Let The Games Begin

Now that I am home I have many-a-things that I can do. In a way to organize myself I thought a Project: Do Me would be the way to go. Let's be honest with each other (and ourselves); while in your own element, it's so easy to find ways to make yourself happy!


  1. Obviously still focus on HP4K. Did you know that Hockey Players For Kids is hosting a charity game in Niagara Falls this June 23? If you would like more information on the HP4K Classic please email me. It's going to be a doozy!
  2. I signed up for this site called Demand Media: Studios to be a writer. Well, applied, got accepted, yada yada yada. I have yet to write an article. I would like to make a point to look every single day for a new assignment. When I find a good one, write it! Obviously.
  3. Keep focusing on the healthy lifestyle I adopted over the past few months. Being at home amongst all the junk food, fast food, and restaurants I haven't had in 8 months, makes it difficult to always eat right. Alas, I am making a conscious effort to stay on track. Meatless Monday will still happen (even if it's not always on Monday), fish will be a staple in my diet, food labels will be read, yoga will done, running consistently to prepare for my 10k is in on the calendar, as well as many more things that contribute to a long, healthy and, of course, happy life.

  1. Many things still need to be done for this wedding in July. Matt has finally seen the hotel and is happy. That's a plus. Invitations, flowers, centerpieces, music, ceremony schedule, etc. are all on the list of things to do. Each week this summer I will be working on putting this thing together. First up: invitations!

  1. Specifically chosen for the pure fact of personal satisfaction - shopping! I have spent a few hours since returning home cleaning out my closet and dressers trying to find clothes to sell and donate. If it doesn't sell, it's getting donated. Many bags have been packed full of things I no longer need or want and I'm starting to find a lot of room for new things. This means new shoes, dresses, shirts, shorts, pants and there's always more room for watches. Watch out Urban (& Vicky's, & Nordstrom, & Macy's, & Anthropologie, & Forever 21, & ...) Here I Come!!!

P.S. When you're doing your spring cleaning and finding room for new summery items, you should donate as well. Think about all the people who would really benefit from a little giving!

Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.
- Marilyn Monroe
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