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Funny Video Friday: Ace Ventura Halloween

This video isn't new at all. In fact, it's two years old, and I found it last Halloween. I think this fella did a pretty good job of doing Ace Ventura/Jim Carrey. Hopefully a lot of you haven't seen this, so it'll be a treat... or tr-- Nah, I won't say it.  ;)

Happy Halloween to all!

Contas Premium

Skylar, My Youngest Daughter

I'm going to be writing a bunch of these mini-biographies about friends and family. The first and last one was about my friend, Chris. See, it would be really handy and easy to just link to a biography, in case my readers want to know more.

Skylar at six months old. Just look at those chubby cheeks!

Skylar was born on May 17th, 2006. She's Nikki's last daughter from an abusive marriage. Nikki was raped by her husband, and Skylar is what came out of that. He then wanted Nikki to have an abortion, and she refused. Her husband also used to make Skylar cry to upset her mother. If she needed her diaper changed or was hungry, he would let her cry and not let Nikki near her. I'm so thankful that those days are over, and that I was a big part of that change.

I met Sky when she was all of six months old. Nikki actually brought Skylar to our first date! She wanted to make sure that I was okay with kids being around. I had no problem with it, but I did wonder at first if we would ever get any time alone. I had nothing to worry about there, though now there are always kids around. Go figure.

Skylar with Lizzie in Fall, 2007.

When Nikki and I moved to Michigan (back in August of 2007), Skylar came with us, and her two older sisters joined us in December. We quickly realized that she has a speech delay. At the time, she knew all of ten words, which would replace the "ap, ap" noise she would make for everything. We placed her in a program called MIPP (Macomb Infant Preschool Program). Her vocabulary slowly improved, and now she's coming out with full sentences - verbs, nouns, and prepositions - that she comes up with herself! It's pretty amazing to see her progress, even though she still has a developmental delay. She attends a preschool for speech delayed children now, and she goes on the bus, and comes back three hours later. She loves riding on the bus, and we were so surprised that she had no problem leaving mommy and mama behind and riding on a strange vehicle by herself. That's so unlike Skylar! The last few days, she's been falling asleep on the bus.

This one has to be late 2007/early 2008.

She's three and a half years old now, and becoming quite the little person. Of our three girls (Sarah, Savannah and Skylar), she's the funniest one, the comedian. Sometimes she'll do anything to get a laugh.

She idolizes Sarah, and she sometimes goes to her when Nikki or I don't respond as quickly as she would like. This is because Sarah tends to baby her, even more than her moms do. Sky and Savannah usually don't get along at all. They both have been known to deliberately antagonize the other, such as grab something the other one is playing with, or stick a foot in the other's face. I'm always breaking them up, either by scolding Savannah or picking Sky up and placing her down somewhere else (she hates that!).

Face painting! This was taken last Summer (2009) at Shedd Aquarium in Chicago.

Skylar is allergic to everything. Well, okay, not everything, but let's see: Tomatoes, cinnamon (even just touching her skin), seasoned salt, skittles, red food dye in candy, sauerkraut, peppermint, taco seasonings, barbecue sauce, and a few other things. She also has a lactose intolerance, so if she has too much milk, cheese, or chocolate... watch out!

She always refers to food as "nummy nums," and yeah, that's my fault. At some point, I got into the habit of saying "silencio" to her when she bugs me too much. Eventually, I sang it as some weird-ass opera song. "Silencioooooo.... ohhh, silencioooo... silencio, yeah silencioooo!" Now she sings it too, kinda. "Shoe aloe, oh shoe aloe..."

Taken in September, 2009.

She still hasn't been potty trained, and both her parents are itching to get her out of diapers, Sadly, she isn't even aware of whether she has pooped or not. She'll say she's pooped when she hasn't, and vice versa. Arrrrgh! She also has the bad habit of tearing up books and breaking toys, and generally making a disaster area of her room, as seen here.

Nummy nums! This was taken at the Halloween party on October 24th, 2009.

She's my monkey girl no matter what, and I wouldn't trade her for any other monkey girl in the world.
Contas Premium

Damn Facebook Apps! (Part Two)

Here's the other two Facebook apps that I wanted to write about. I discussed FarmVille and Cafe World in part one, which is here.

Click any picture for a bigger, more legible version!

I'll start off with Happy Aquarium, by Crowdstar. Who doesn't love fishes? Well, besides people who don't love fishes, that is. In this one, you take care of a tank and whatever fish you buy. You can also buy creatures that fall under the category of "crawlers:" Crabs, starfish, snails, etc. These don't need any care at all, but you do have to feed the fish. You also have to scrub the tank periodically. These little chores give you experience which helps you reach your next level. Gaining levels unlocks other fish you can buy, as well as anything from decorations, to expanding your tank. Here's a picture of my tank:

 Once again, you can see neighbors such as Justine from Stupid is as Sister Does, my very own Nikki, and Shauna from Soon She'll Be Home.

Cool! I gained a level, and this time I unlocked... ummm... nothing.

You can also mate your fish. This is a way to make money, as you can mate them over and over, and either sell the offspring or the parents. When you mate them, which can result in success or failure, some Barry White-sounding tune starts up, and they swim around and around each other, until they become engulfed in a flurry of hearts, as you can see below...

Can't you just feel the love, baby?

You can "train" your fish as well. I think this causes you to receive more cash when you sell them, but I'm not sure. It's a game within a game, a simple side-scroller in which you must clear obstacles and pick up coins and food.

Seems simple enough, huh? Three of these obstacles come back to bite you if you click them too soon, and the mine will "kill" your fish when it explodes, if the fish is too close. Squids blind you, and poison make your fish swim around jerkily, making hazards hard to navigate.

Okay, now what to do with the coin and the plant with all the big-ass teeth? Thinking, thinking -- ACK!

You may have noticed I also have a turtle in my tank. You can get these from other players who post it into the Facebook newsfeed. There's also this cute lil squid that I want sooooo bad. The thing just looks so cute! Anyway, on to the next app.

Dungeons & Dragons Tiny Adventures, by Wizards of the Coast, is just that: tiny little adventures. This app is primarily text-based. You create a character out of a dozen or so templates (elf ranger, eladrin wizard, etc.), buy some minor equipment like potions of healing (which heals 20 hit points per pop), and go seeking adventure. The rest is mostly up to chance. I'm not going to start explaining Dungeons & Dragons to everyone, as that can be a whole series of blog posts in itself. The way the app works is this: Every 10 minutes or so, another encounter, or chapter, of the story is told, until the adventure is over. Then you choose another adventure to go on. There is no chance of your hero dying (at least as far as I know), and you have no way to decide what your character does during the course of the adventure. That is, except have him or her drink a potion at a certain time. That means checking up to read your adventure bit by bit. I expect that most do what I do. I just let the adventure run it's course, check the little box that specifies to automatically drink the potion of healing when I drop under 20 hit points, and go do something else for awhile. Here's a typical encounter, a bit more on the humerous side...


Hmmm, which adventure to choose? A trip to Slugslick Swamp seems like loads o' fun...

This is my character's inventory. You may notice I have two shields available, but nothing equipped. I need both hands to hold the Greatsword. Clunky thing.

Here is the "The Store." They could've thought of a more imaginative name, no? Notice that I have a "personal offer" which I've rejected because it can't be used by my character. Why offer me something I can't use? And look at the description of that thing...!

You can buff your friends, giving them a bonus to their attacks or some such, and you can heal them if they've been hurt badly. You can see Elizabeth from the blog, Ms. LizzyBeth's Entropy Checklist; and Dana from Dana's Blog of Intermittent Weirdness. Should I buff the half-goliath barbarian/half-demoness? Sure, why not!

This only scratches the surface on the apps that Facebook has available. The four I've reviewed are the ones I play most religiously. As I mentioned in part one, if you want to play these games with me (well, sort of), just add me as a friend on Facebook. I even have a handy badge for you in the right hand margin. Now I've got to check on my stoves in Cafe World, so pardon me, coming through, coming through...
Contas Premium

Halloween SugarFest!

Nikki and I hosted a Halloween party for our kids and two guests yesterday afternoon. Well, ten were invited, but only two showed up. Nikki and I are very out as far as being lesbians, so maybe that was it. We've had a few kids say that their parents don't want them over because they have two moms. Last summer, one of the no-show boys was telling his friends that I'm a man. So maybe it was due to homophobia and transphobia, or maybe not. I really don't care, personally... I just don't want our children to be ostracized because of who their parents are. They deserve better than that. But what can I do about that, actually? Nada.

They all had fun anyway, despite the limited attendance, and despite the fact that Sarah got a bad skin reaction from the glue we used to attach the devil horns to her head. That crap just wouldn't come off for anything. Poor kid. Live and learn, though... never again! In the photos, you see she has a horned headband on instead.

The rest of the story is better told via photos and captions. So without any further ado...

All the kids! Savannah is looking at the camera, and Sarah is giving something to Skylar, who didn't want her shirt on for some reason.

Our two girls engaged in a mummy-wrapping contest. Sarah won.

Sarah, resident devil child.

Sarah trying to make Savannah laugh. You laugh, you lose the game.

Vannah pinning the head on the monster while Nikki and Sarah watch.

Sarah's turn to pin on the head.

Skylar pinning the head on the monster, with a height boost from Nikki.

Now Nikki is the one getting pinned!

Beautiful lil' devil.

Savannah got an apple!

Skylar's turn, with encouragement from her older sisters.

Nikki will kill me for posting this one, though you can only see a hint of the accidental cleavage that I cropped out. Yum!  ;)

I love my family.  :)

I hope everyone is having a nice time this Halloween, and for those in other parts of the world, a nice autumn or whatever time of the year it is for you!
Contas Premium

Funny Video Friday: Drunkest Man Ever Caught on Surveillance Cam

It's improbable that he really is the drunkest man ever, but wow, is he wasted! The first time I watched this, I had to keep "rewinding" it, because I was laughing so hard, I was crying, and my eyes kept closing! Watch this, and then watch the parodies that come after. I would recommend watching the parodies second, to get the maximum impact of funny!

NOTE: The video does appear to stop at a few places, but keep watching! And yes, there is no sound in the first video.

Here is the above clip turned into a silent movie. This is hilarious! "Jenkins, I've been hoodwinked!"

Even Jimmy Kimmel got into the act!

Here's a "dance remix" version. The song is "He Ain't Wit Me Now (Tho)" by Richgirl. Check out these moves!

No, I don't condone alchoholism or public intoxication. This was just so damn funny! ;)
Contas Premium

Damn Facebook Apps! (Part One)

If there's one reason why I'm not coming out with a new blog post every day, it's because of these Facebook apps. Some of these free games are just too addicting. I can't log into two of them right now, so I'll write about them instead. (LOL!) I don't want to just throw them at my poor readers all at once, so I'll be coming out with a second entry in a few more days, featuring two more games that just take up too much of my time.

First up, we have FarmVille. This was created by a company called Zynga, and it's one of the more popular apps on Facebook. I resisted even looking at it (or any of the other games) for months, but finally gave in due to Nikki's insistance. Damn her. It's pretty basic. You buy crops, animals, and trees... and then you harvest them. There are also decorations, which can be anything from houses to fences to ponds. Now they have these cool Halloween decorations. I plan on keeping these all year round. It suits the darker side of my Gemini personality. Mwah ha ha ha!

Click any pic for a larger version!

My pink cottage with pink fence and pink cherry trees. There's a cat that jumps out of the pumpkin sometimes. You can see some of my neighbors on the bottom, notably my own Nikki, and fellow bloggers Justine and Shauna. Hey, gals!

My "Forbidden Graveyard" complete with Little Shop of Horrors-inspired plant monster, gravestones, and creepy fences.

That's a *lot* of strawberry and chocolate cows! The elephants were a limited time thing, and you can "harvest" circus peanuts from them. The ugly ducklings in the far left pen turn into those swans after a period of time. Go figure.

I got rid of the white sheep (just like the non-flavored cows), in favor of these poor black sheep. This is my Black Sheep Sanctuary, in celebration of all those who are cast away for being different. Hey, sounds familiar in some way...

Anyway, now I have 41 neighbors (for whom I can perform menial chores, to get some cash and experience), a plantation-sized farm, and over 600,000 coins in the bank. I have a cute pink cottage with a pink fence and cherry trees. I also have a graveyard with tombstones and fresh graves. Well, they look fresh, anyway. There are at least two other apps similar to this, namely Farm Town and (Lil) Farm Life. I don't play Farm Town, but I do play the other... mainly for the cool Halloween decorations, of which they have much more than FarmVille.

Another one by Zynga is Cafe World. In this one, you run your own little cafe, and you get to cook up such dishes as spaghetti and meatballs, roasted chicken, and french onion soup. These things can take anywhere from five minutes (cheeseburgers) to two days (pot roast) to cook. Once they're done, onto the counter they go for serving, and don't forget to clean your stove! You can "hire" friends to work at your cafe, but sadly, there is no involvement at all from said friends. Their avatar merely appears in your cafe and does it's animated business. There are lots of decorations and such in Cafe World. Tables cost from 900 to 25,000 Cafe Coins, and it's similar for chairs, stoves, wallpaper, doors, windows, etc.

My cafe. Notice the title. I'm the chef with purple hair, and I have 9 stoves, booyah! I'm cooking roasted chicken, pot roast, vampire-staked steak (yes, another Halloween special), and pizza... in a skillet, no less! Isaac from Becoming Isaac is one of my neighbors, but his cafe is always full of flies and stuff. He's probably off having a real life.

It's the cookbook! I do find it strange that you have to wait until a relatively high level, to cook such an elementary dish as spaghetti. I do like the voodoo chicken salad. When it's almost done, you can see the words, "casting spell" when putting the mouse cursor over the stove. It really is voodoo!

These games probably seem really silly and pointless when reading them about this, but they tend to draw you in. They're meant for casual use, since once you've set the crops or entrees in motion, you must wait a certain amount of time for them to finish. I find myself jumping from app to app, seeing what's ready to be served or sold at the market. I wouldn't want my food to spoil, or my crops to rot! Especially with Cafe World, I find myself thinking, "Hmm, the pizza takes five hours to cook, and will I be asleep when it finishes? What's on the calendar, will I be home then?"

So now it's well after 4 am and I'm finishing up a blog entry. That's not so unusual for me. But it would probably be about 5 am now if both the aforementioned apps weren't experiencing "technical difficulties." I think I need to go to an AA meeting. Apps Anonymous!

If you're on Facebook and play these games (or are about to after reading this.. don't kill me later!), send me a Facebook friend request. And stay tuned for part two, if I can stop playing long enough.
Contas Premium

Crowning Beauty

I needed a haircut so bad... and wow, did it show. Last Friday, I went to a local salon chain and got my hair cut and styled by Sophie. I tell you, this lady does such an awesome job. It's a special treat to have her work her magic on me. I don't think I've ever been more happy with my hair. I walked in with flyaways, split ends and frizzies, and walked out with it looking like you see on the left. Now that's my default pic on Facebook. I really love this picture, and that's rare coming from me. I'm so picky with photos of myself, but every once in awhile, something clicks. I swear, I am not an autogynephiliac (meaning, I am not sexually attracted to the image of myself as a woman), but now I tend to gawk at this photo of me when I see it on Facebook. Why?

Picture this, if you will. A girl growing up into adulthood, never being allowed to have long hair, never being able to dress as other girls do, and never being allowed to wear makeup of any kind. On top of that, developing a dark shadow on her chin and upper lip, growing body hair, and being all sweaty and greasy the day after a shower. That girl is in there, but she's buried beneath a ton of crap that just isn't her. Body image, self image... shot to hell.

One day, she begins a journey to climb out of all this stinking filth that has buried her for so long. Changing her body to what it should have been in the first place, or damn near close to it. Changing her mind to a certain extent, as far as lifting the red haze of testosterone, and finally being able to say to herself:

"I'm a woman. I can wear women's clothes and makeup. It's okay. There's nothing wrong with me. I'm not a homosexual man and I don't have a fetish. I'm just female and that's me."

So now I look at this photo, and not only do I look good... damn good, if I say so myself... and I can say that without being conceited... but I'm happy. After almost four decades of living on this horrible planet, I can see me.

Some people may question why I like to take photos of myself and look at them. Because I can see me. And I like what I see.

And damn, I love my hair! When I was a kid, I used to sneak and watch Little House on the Prairie when nobody was around (and make fun of it when anyone was present!), and for some reason, I have always remembered this quote:

"Hair is a woman's crowning beauty." -- Michael Landon


Contas Premium

Chris: A Departed Friend

I met Chris via Steve, a mutual friend, back in 1990. He happened to be over Steve's house while I was on the phone with him. We found that we shared a love of thrash metal, including such groups as Testament, Metallica, and Megadeth. My tastes actually ran much darker and heavier, like Morbid Angel and Carcass, but Chris didn't seem to mind at all. We eventually met in person and started playing some good ol' Dungeons and Dragons. It was second edition back then, for all you 12.5 edition wanna-be's.

From 1992 to 1994, I ran a radio show on the Stony Brook College radio station, WUSB, 90.1 FM. I had the moniker of... wait for it... Dredstar. I named myself after a comic book called Dreadstar. It sounded different and slightly malevolent. Chris' name was Thrashman. You know, he liked thrash metal... so it was like trashman, only... well, whatever. I had a lot of friends down at the show over it's two years on the air, and they all had to have a funny/morbid codename, like "Jim, the Rotten Limb," "The Gorefiend," and "Morbid Millie" was my girlfriend at the time. Anyway, I digress.

In 1993, I secured a position at Chris' employer. It wasn't anything great, but hey... money, y'know? I would stay after work to hang out with him, since he worked second shift. I would run down the road and grab some Taco Bell for us, and we would eat, play Uno (he usually beat me, grrrr!), and just shoot the breeze. By 1998, we had both left the job for various reasons, but of course we stayed in touch, hung out, and saw the occasional movie. We both love movies, but I would say Chris is more of an avid movie fanatic.

Life went on, and Chris and I both got married. My wife and I separated in 2002, and he was divorced a few years later. I had a daughter, and he had three kids.

In 2005 or so, I told him that I'm a transsexual. I showed him a photo from the Long Island Pride Winter Ball. Well, here it is.

He said, "Oh yeah, I have no problem with it! No problem at all! I wouldn't even think that was you, but maybe a picture of your sister. Yeah, you gotta do what makes you happy." Well, it's not word for word, but that's the gist of it. It was forced, and I knew it.

We fell out of touch for awhile, then he emailed me and told me that he was a bit overwhelmed by my transsexuality and the fact that his friend had changed so much. He said he still wanted to be friends and he told me about his divorce. He said he would tell me more in his next letter, and he gave me his MySpace address. I wrote him back right away, of course... but I heard nothing else from him, on MySpace or elsewhere. Maybe he saw my pics on MySpace, some of which were kinda revealing (click here for an example from an old post).

A few months ago, I got on Facebook and found him there, along with two mutual friends of ours, including Steve, who I mentioned above. My two other friends accepted my friend requests, and we've chatted back and forth to some extent.

Chris hasn't accepted my request, and it's likely that he never will. I know he's been on Facebook lately, because well...

I don't blame Chris for avoiding me. It's a general rule-of-thumb that the closer your friend or family member is to you, the harder it will be for them to accept. Also, it's pretty well known that men have a harder time dealing with it than women. Many men can't fathom why their friend would want to "cut it off," much less realize the fact that their friend was a woman the whole time, and that part just doesn't belong on a woman.

I had another friend, by the name of Jim, who had a lot of problems with me "choosing this life," as he said. He's a deeply religious fellow, and he actually thinks I'm committing a sin by leading my life this way. I looked, but for the life of me, I can't find any mention of transsexuality in the bible. Well, I digress again.

I miss this guy. We had a really wacky friendship, since we are both really wacky people. We had our own language almost, some of it culled from Johnny Dangerously ("you fargin icehole!"), a love of Star Trek and horror movies and books, role-playing games, crazy metal music, the list goes on and on. I'll never forget the time we went to see Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey while drunk, or when he ran around with his Robocop helmet on and "shot" cars (hmmm, we were drunk then too). I've only been to a strip club twice in my life, and that was with Chris. We went to too many metal shows to mention.

I'm out of things to say, but not out of memories. I wonder if he misses being my friend. Maybe he thinks he would rather have nothing, than have a friendship so changed as to be unrecognizable from the one we had? Well, I certainly miss him.

Are you reading this, Chris? I miss you, ya fargin turdbomb my friend. And I will be here... whenever or if ever you choose to contact me. Until then, all I have to say is... Bogus.

Contas Premium

Through the Fire (Blast From the Past Entry)

This should be it for the poems for awhile. Let me know what you think of this one. "Regular entries" will be coming soon, I promise!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Current mood: distressed

I wrote this yesterday while I was at work. Maybe writing this poetry is helping me in some small way. Right now I can't really tell.

Through the Fire

Walk with me through the fire.
Cleansing, burning, incinerating.
Destroy my each and every desire.
Feel the pain that fire can bring.

Walk with me through the heat.
It consumes with no remorse.
Tear the chaff from the wheat.
It will run it's deadly course.

Walk with me through the flames,
As they burn everything in sight.
Join me in this deadly game.
Come burn with me tonight.
Contas Premium

Funny Video Friday: Dog's Own Leg Tries to Steal Bone

No explanation needed here, but I'll note that I hate hate hate when shows like "America's Funniest Videos" add in stupid voice-overs to the clips they show. They often ruin what could otherwise be a really funny moment. Just play the damn thing already, it's fine like it is!

Contas Premium

Hungry, Thirsty (Blast From the Past Entry)

I can't believe I wrote this poem for Tee, and that I ever felt that way for her. If I didn't think it was good, I wouldn't even be reprinting it here. I actually think I did a pretty good job. It's kinda hot, no?

Friday, October 20, 2006

Current mood: depressed

I wrote this poem almost a month ago, but I never gave it to Tee. For some reason, I thought it needed something. Reading it now, I see that it's just fine as it is. It pretty much sums up how I'm feeling right now.

Hungry, Thirsty

Thirsty for your kiss.
No barrel of water
Could quench me like this.

Hungry for your touch.
My skin starts to ache,
I want to feel you that much.

Leave me in the desert,
Without food or drink.
I would only want you.
Of what else would I think?

Leave me in the ocean,
So tired I can't swim.
It would be nothing compared
To how I'm drowning within.

Saturate me with your love.
Feed me with your sweet caress.
Drench me with your loving kisses.
It's you I want, and nothing less.
Contas Premium

Another Journey to North Carolina (Blast From the Past Entry)

For whatever reason, I didn't document my trip to to North Carolina this time around. Perhaps it was rather uneventful. It's now three years later to the date (!!!), and I can't remember anything about this trip. When I mention that "a lot has happened recently," that was all about Tee and I breaking up. It was all for the better though, since Nikki and I started our whirlwind romance less than a month later. I can't wait to get to those entries!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Current mood: contemplative

I'm heading down to North Carolina today after work, in a few minutes actually. It's been three months since I've been there. I would usually go every two months, but due to all the unexpected expenses that happened over the last two months, I was unable to go. I'm actually looking forward to the drive. It'll give me time to sort out my thoughts and feelings. I got this car charger for my iPod Nano that doubles as a amplifier to hook it up to the cassette deck in my car. Unfortunately, I had to buy the "fake cassette" thing separately. But I tried it last night, and it works perfectly. Instead of bringing a big garbage bag full of CD's, I have it all on this tiny Ipod. I can definitely fit more than 18 hours of music on it, which is how much time the round-trip journey will take me. I will probably be spending some time in silence though. A lot has happened recently, and I really have to sort some things out.

Of course, I'm looking forward to seeing my daughter even more! She's my little munchkin! I yearn for those childhood days, when everything was so simple. I had my parents, food and drink for when I was hungry or thirsty, a bed for when I was tired, and countless toys and games. But as you grow up, you acquire different needs and wants. These are not often fulfilled to satisfaction. But am I going to whine and complain and feel bad for myself? No.

I had a scary thing happen to me when I looked at my check this morning. I was missing about $100 from my check! There were regular hours and overtime hours missing! They had mad a mistake with the payroll, can you believe that? I tried to see if my employer could possibly deposit the missing money into my account, but no... they could only send me a check. When of course, I won't be home. And if they sent it to the hotel, who knows if it would get there before I check out (which will be by 10 AM on Monday)? But luckily, I managed to borrow the money from a friend, which I will of course return once I get that check. Whew!

I am worried about my car. It's been overheating, and apparently the tear or rip in the hose to the radiator is getting bigger. I fill the radiator with water every day now, and I can always fit 6 ounces or more into that thing. I don't drive a lot during the week, so I'm going to have to fill it with water every 3 hours, at least. Next week, I'll take it to be serviced, but right now I don't have the time or money. I'll take my risks and make the trip, so that I don't disappoint my daughter again.

I'll be offline until Tuesday morning, so I'll talk to you guys next week. I hope all of you have a nice weekend.
Contas Premium
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