Tattoo Delayed! And a Promised Document

I went to Happy Tat's yesterday, but was turned away until Monday (Hey! That's tomorrow though!), since I got a sunburn the day before. I tried to explain to them that the birthmark itself is not burned, just the skin around it. The birthmark doesn't hurt. The birthmark won't peel. No, no... come back on Monday. I was relieved when they told me Monday, since when I first made the appointment, it was made for two weeks later.

Yes, stupid me got a sunburn. (That pic is NOT me, by the way! But I'll get a lot of hits from it, hehehe!) Well, I don't see it as completely my fault. I go walking almost every day. If it's not raining or cold out (seems the cold days are over), I'm walking. Michigan decided to be 80 degrees on Friday, and very sunny. NOT the typical weather here for the the end of April. But hey, I need my walk! And I had a lot of music I wanted to listen to on my iPod, which I have vowed never to listen to, except during my walks or during the trip down to Arizona. I didn't even wear a tank top. But I got burned on my lower arms and the center of my chest... the lower and right-most extremes of my birthmark. Sigh.

Some old man passed me on a little cart thing as I was walking. It was like one of those little vehicles you see in supermarkets, plugged into the wall. He must've had the off-road version, because he drove through the grass to get around me. That was interesting, and made me feel weird. I walk as fast as I can without going into a trot, and the old man passes me on this Wal-Mart cart like I was standing still. Hmmff!

The move is coming along. 26 days to go! I'm mp3-izing all my CDs, since so many in my collection were lost or damaged during my last move. I have a lot of cases without CD's, and a lot of CD's without cases. Some are missing both components, and only remain in my memory... if they're lucky.

Anyway, there are boxes all over. I stubbed my little toe on one of them earlier. Stubbing the little toe is just the worst. It had no defense against that mean old box. Big toe was laughing it's ass off. As if it has an ass to begin with!

You had to progress through all this rambling to get to this: The UpToDate document on transsexuality. I mentioned it in this post, and a few people wrote me to tell me they wanted to read the entire document. Well, here it is, in PDF glory. My objection to said writing is in that beforementioned post. The underlines and little notes were written by my doctor. I'll see him next week so he can look at my tattoo, and also hopefully get me a prescription for 60 or 90 days, so that I have as many HRT-related pills as possible, to maybe last me until I get a job with health insurance. Somehow I doubt that Arizona has state or county-funded programs like Macomb Care Connect.

So here's the link: UpToDate Treatment of Transsexualism

So now I'm psyched for tomorrow. I hope the sunburn is gone, as they predicted. He doesn't live close by at all, and Nikki is taking off work so I could use the car to get there. She loves me.  :D  I forgot to bring my camera yesterday, so hopefully I'll remember it tomorrow. I want to get some pics of the tattoo in progress. All five hours of it! If it doesn't get delayed again, I'll have a post up tomorrow night with the pics. Cheers!
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