I had the pleasure of meeting another transwoman (Hi, Jen!) and her wife a few days ago. We couldn't find someone to watch the kids for a bit, so we went to a McDonald's with a Playplace so that said kids could have something to do while the adults talked. They were celebrating some kid's birthday there, so the place was filled with screeching children. What I found sad is that the majority of the parents stayed in the restaurant and merely peeked through the window at the Playplace from time to time. Way to watch your kids! Anyway, Jen and her wife are a couple that stayed together through and after transition (the spouse always goes through his or her own transition as well), which is always heartening for me to see. There are so many couples who break up. True, it doesn't pertain to Nikki and I (she met me while already knowing I'm a transsexual), but it is nice to see. Other than that, they certainly seem like great people and I was glad to get to know them. Figures that we make new friends here, three weeks before we move. I told them we'd invite them to the wedding, which would be in about a year and a half. We might go to their house for a barbecue in a week or so. Sounds fun!
This tattoo is really itchy now. The tattoo is blue, but the scabs are greenish or aquamarineish (aquamarineish?). I guess the brown of the scab mixed with the tattoo's color? I've been really good, and haven't been picking at it. I did actually scratch at a scab in my sleep last night. Oops! I had no idea what I was doing, of course. It got me nervous, because I want this tattoo to remain looking awesome, and it needs to be healed for when Happy finishes his work on Saturday the 22nd.
Nikki and I bought a whole bunch of snacks for the trip. We found these bags of candy that were 10 for $5.00 or something like that, plus some other things. Gummi worms, gummi bears, sour gummi worms and bears, Twizzlers (gotta love Twizzlers!), Doritos (cheeseburger flavor for me... yes it's odd but yummy, and tastes like eating a cheeeseburger!), Slim Jims and Tootsie Roll Pops (there were banana flavored pops in there!). The last three are a tradition for me on long road trips. I am still trying to lose weight, but I'm putting it on hold for those three days of traveling. Gotta have the snacks and the tunes, or else I'll go mad!
We went all the way to Southfield to talk to the nice people at the traffic court. I got a ticket on the way to the tattoo parlor, mentioned here. We didn't have the insurance information in the car at the time, which was a $450 fine... unless we provide the traffic court proof of insurance at the time of the accident. So we did just that, and now the ticket is down to $145 ($120 for speeding, and $25 for the insurance fiasco... can you believe it? They didn't dismiss the insurance matter entirely! Wow, it was never like that in New York.). The ride there and back was hell. Lots of slick highways and lots of rain. Maybe it's the progesterone, because I can't remember being so scared while driving. My heart would fly up out of my chest every time the car in front of me hit their brakes! So I think I'm stopping this progesterone now. It alters my mood too often. It's given me all the nice features I wanted (breasts, hips and possibly buttocks as well) and rounded everything out, making me a bit more "bootylicious." But I can see no benefit from staying on the stuff indefinitely.
Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to pay this ticket. This $145 would probably cut into our "extra expenses" and such for our trip down. Things such as dinner at whatever fast food place they have at the rest area, emergency cash, and so forth. Michigan can suspend my license, but hey I won't be driving in Michigan after two weeks. My question is this, for whoever might know: When I go to get my driver's license in Arizona, will they require me to pay off the Michigan ticket first?
Oh, this just in. Nikki called the cops on our neightbors upstairs. They've been blasting their music until 3 or 4 in the morning for the last three nights. It's nigh impossible to get back to sleep if you get woken up by this hip hop crap (sorry... I hate most hip hop). The police showed up rather quickly. Getting them to hear the knocking over their music was another thing. I think they fell asleep while the music was blasting. Maybe drunk or something as well. At least it's stopped... for now. I really can't wait to get out of here!
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