13 days until the move! Appropriate pic is on the left, of course.
After three days of rain and nastiness, I finally got to go walking again yesterday (Friday). I've been holding at 156 pounds, having lost nine pounds. Pretty shy from my goal of 20 pounds lost. I might lose more in Arizona from just sweating it off!
Today I walked to Radio Shack to get a cassette adapter thingie so I could listen to my iPod in the car. Three days of driving, so yes yes yes I need those tunes! I have one of those things already, but the music got really low once the car started moving. Then there were these rapid series of beeps, which would get higher in pitch when I applied the gas. Weird, huh? So I bought a new cassette adapter. If there's something wrong with the cassette player in the car, well then I guess I'm screwed. I also went looking for sunglasses in both Kohl's and Meijer, but couldn't find a pair I like. I'm notoriously picky with sunglasses for some reason.
I mentioned at the end of this post that we had to call the police on the people living upstairs, due to their constant music blasting until four in the morning. Well, guess what? We had to call them again... the same night! Yes, they started blasting the music again.... and having sex. I heard a female voice (screaming! LOL!) and a male voice. But I swore I could just make out another female voice under all the music and moaning. I'm pretty sure they were having a threesome up there!
The dispatcher on the phone made it seem like we'd have to file a complaint since we called them twice on the same night. When the policeman came to our door, he asked us if we really wanted to file a complaint. He said we'd have to go to court against them if we did. Any court date would most likely be after we leave, so... no. So he went up there and knocked on their door again. We heard multiple footsteps scattering throughout the apartment. Hiding their heroin stash, perhaps? He soon came back down and told me, "I think that should take care of it." I don't know if they were playing the music loud again last night, as I was out cold. Time will tell, I suppose. It's Friday night, so you never know what they'll be up to.
Tomorrow we're going to go to Nikki's father's house to celebrate Skylar's birthday. She turns four on Monday! They helped mix the cake this evening, and tomorrow morning, we'll decorate. For some reason, Nikki's dad hates when they wear dresses. Come on, they're girls! So no birthday dress for Skylar, and she loves dresses. I mean, what the hell? It's not as if we're asking him to wear a dress!
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