hello hello,
so for the pass month i've been feeling... hrmmm... how can i say this 'artsy'. im actually INSPIRED to go out and capture what i can. so i offered to do a shoot on Juls semi-new whip (iLLiana). of course he was stoked right-a-way thats cuz WHEN I 'feel' like shooting, he knows its not half-assing and that i'm going to experiment. so what great way to practice for myself and he gain in photos of his car. lol. its a win win situation. so there were a couple different locations i shot at. lets start in order shall we.
1) Target parking lot at Tanforan
whiles Juls was wiping down his car i copp'd a couple photos for fun. he havent got a chance to wash his car, busy busy bee he is. now of course i had to get one of his EMBLEM so no one will mistaken its a 350 or even worse a 250. it's a Lexus ISF people!!!! gawddd.

2) Costco at El Camino
so Juls BEEN wanting to shoot here cuz their lighting is hella bright. i personally wasnt feelin it, but i guess it turned out not that bad. just the fcuking carts were all piled up right next to the car which made the photo kinna whackkk. BUT i guess it'll do. here is a side far shot with a bit of the surroundings.

3) Alemany street Pacific Super parking lot
HONESTLY there was only ONE photo that i am satisfied with here at this location. i think i need to go back there again. but yea, i did a shot of my ride here one time and Juls really liked it; so he wanted to come to my location for a shot of his whip. which we did. here was mine.

4) Vanness under the highway right by Bmw San Francisco
i've BEEN wanting to come to this spot for the LONGEST of long time because it has the PERFECT one spot lighting for ONE RIDE. it is PERFECT, the ONLY thing is that bright fcukin yellow Cash&Carry banner in the back. i had to photoshop most of it out, but a couple of photos i left it as is for the 'STREET' feel. because the city streets DONT HAVE perfect lighting and perfect spots, always some shit around rather it be pot holes, bums, bright fcukin yellow banners, cops, and etc. OUTTER RANGED Semi-Angle view

plus it gives it a GANGSTA feel. hah. instead of GRAFFITI backgrounds like EVERY OTHER freakin car does, i like this better. because when there is A LOT going on in the background it disturbs the MAIN subject in the photo. too much color makes the photo down graded from the CLASH of confusion to the eyes (trust me i did take many photo classes), because the USUAL viewer(s) don't have THAT sense of separation; so when you have a photo and the subject is the car you can't have hella SHIT around or else viewers WONT TAKE notice of the car SPECIFICALLY (prolly a good 98% looks at the other bullshit in the photo than the main subject to the photo and that other 2% looks at the car is because 1 they are car fanatics 2 they have a sense of ART at heart). i.e. try to notice BILLBOARD ADS, most of them have either a BLANK canvas with the subject straight up POPPING out to catch your eye OR they just USE PLAIN WORDS cuz they're lazy fcuks who don't want to bother thinking and coming up with a CATCHY ad. but dont get me wrong SOME word ads are the shit. but others are just BULLSHIT. but even tho they are bullshit TAKE NOTICE the background to the word ads are still either ONE SOLID COLOR or just blank backing! THAT IS BECAUSE while you are driving or biking or however the fcuk you are getting around town, they know they're at a time limit to CATCH YOUR EYES with the quickness. what other way to capture you and have you remember their ad than to GO STRAIGHT TO THE MAIN POINT, no other disturbances. ya feel me? alright alright. i think thats it for the lesson today people. hope it makes sense and helps you out in the future somehow someway whether you in advertising, photography, art; doesn't hurt to gain more knowledge (:
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