Bill O'Reilly: The CNN Republican Debate

As you may know, I am a simple man and was very confused by the debate Monday night. I couldn't tell whether it was Twitter, Facebook or U-Haul who was asking the questions. All of a sudden some lady named Martha from Manchester wanted to know why Ron Paul's shirt is too big. I mean, was this confusing or what?

There was a giant scoreboard. There were satellite remotes. It was all a bit much. When watching a debate, all I want is someone to ask the darn question.

Now, I understand CNN wants to be hip. I've got it. Cutting edge. When you think the future, you think CNN.

But I have to tell you, I got very little out of that debate. Here are the highlights:

Mitt Romney looks very presidential, does he not? Michele Bachmann is now running for president and looked very happy about it. Tim Pawlenty would not challenge Governor Romney on Romneycare and that teed off the moderator, John King:


JOHN KING, CNN HOST: If it was "Obamneycare" on "Fox News Sunday," why is it not "Obamneycare" standing here with the governor right there?

TIM PAWLENTY, R, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: It -- President Obama is -- is the person who I quoted in saying he looked to Massachusetts for designing his program. He's the one who said it's a blueprint and that he merged the two programs. And so using the term "Obamneycare" was a reflection of the president's comments that he designed Obamacare on the Massachusetts health care plan.


It was very apparent that Governor Pawlenty and all the other contestants would not go after each other. It was a very friendly debate.

I think it is safe to say that at this point, Mitt Romney is the heavy favorite to win the nomination. In order to beat Romney, who has an enormous lead in New Hampshire, the first primary state, you'd have to shake him up; you'd have to show that you were smarter than he is. That did not happen Monday night.

Even Newt Gingrich, who is usually feisty, looked like he just got out of the hammock. Perhaps his recent Greek cruise has not yet worn off.

One more observation: It looked like many of the participants Monday night want to be Romney's running mate. Certainly Michele Bachmann would like to get that, and Romney needs a conservative on the ticket, but he also needs a Hispanic.

Summing up the debate, two hours of Twitter or fritter or something.

And that's "The Memo."

Pinheads & Patriots

You may remember the name Lupe Fiasco. I wish I had that name. He is a Chicago rapper who often says outrageous things like this:


LUPE FIASCO, RAPPER: My fight against terrorism, to me the biggest terrorist is Obama in the United States of America, you know. So for me it's like I'm trying to fight the terrorism that is actually causing the other forms of terrorism, you know. The root causes of the terrorism is the stuff that the U.S. government allows to happen, and the foreign policies that we have in place in different countries that inspire people to become terrorists.


Mr. Fiasco has been invited on "The Factor" but has declined, possibly because he could not possibly defend that remark, which makes him a pinhead. Now the reason I say I wish I was named Lupe Fiasco, wouldn't it be great, "The Fiasco Factor"? I mean, it would be tremendous.
On the patriot front, first lady Michelle Obama is urging Hollywood to make films and TV shows about brave military families.


MICHELLE OBAMA, FIRST LADY: These families are amazing. That's the other thing. They're strong. They don't complain. They don't ask for much. And I think that's one of the reasons why we don't know about them because they're holding it down. They're holding it together. And that's not what you do in the military; you don't complain.


Yes, we need more shows and movies about that, so Mrs. Obama is a patriot.
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