While The Cat's Away...

PLL Ladies
This may be the scenario in every guy's dream when they think of the girls having a weekend, or night, home by themselves. Unfortunately in the life of a European hockey wife, it's not exactly this attractive. Yes, we have pajama parties where we all get together and laugh, joke, and have tons of fun. But to be honest they look a little more like this ...
Okay, maybe not so old school but we're definitely clothed and there's a lot more food...less guitars and record players. We're the queens of potluck. Each girl will bring a dish or two and we'll eat like we've never been fed before. Possibly have a few drinks. Depends who's pregnant or not. We might hit up the local watering hole and eat out if we're really feeling into it. However, and I'm going to be brutally honest here, what we really do while the guys are away ...

We lay on the couch, or possibly in bed all day long since we're all not fortunate enough to have couches. There's an 84% chance we do not shower. Our work outs are neglected till another day, food is whatever is easiest to make that night, the dishes don't get done, we can't even remember where the keys are if we did want to go somewhere, and we watch every TV show or movie imaginable that our dear husbands refuse to watch with us the rest of the time. We're an active bunch and it suits us just fine. Heck, we just might even catch up on our Skype dates and reading.

Matt's gone for a tournament and last night I finished the 9th book I've started reading since coming to Italy. I haven't even been here a solid four months and have finished 9 books. I'm proud of myself. I'll easily hit my 100 before I turn 30. Maybe I should up that number? Or not. I'll just wait until I hit 100 and go from there. See! The whole mentality of being alone when the boys are gone. "I'll just do it another time."

What hasn't taken a back seat is my quest towards a meatless week. Tomorrow I will update you on today's and Thursday's meals. Possibly even tomorrow's meals. Depends when I get around to it. Tomorrow I will be more productive though. I promise. What are your plans this weekend?

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