What I Miss the Most

...from home that is. Every year we come to Europe there are a few things from home that I just can't quite get out of my head. I wish all things were universal. Then when I come home every summer I can have bruschetta (no, not what you're thinking), Tuborg or Forst beer, and of course these mountains we've now been blessed with for the second time.

Of course there are so many things I wish were offered here in more places than just 'down the mountain at the big grocery store that takes you an hour to get to.' But just because there's a more "international" grocery store down there, still doesn't mean it has what you're looking for.

So here they are. Some of what I've been longing for.
High heels. Stilettos. Something smaller than a wedge. Because these cobble stone roads are beautiful but deathly. I may have turned my ankle a few times yesterday in wide heeled boots. If I had these on, I would have bailed. That doesn't mean I wouldn't brave it. Oh, I would. It's just not totally practical.
Italy does not have a Starbucks. Which means I don't get these awesome red cups they come out with during the Holidays. Nor do I get a White Chocolate Mocha, Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino/Latte, or the sweet little muffins they have. Italian cappuccini are great, don't get me wrong. It's just that I'm a Starbucks girl at heart.
Don't laugh. YouTube is just not enough. I've been relying on the Top 40 online to tell me what's new. That doesn't mean I hear everything new though. Just what others deem the best. This means that there could be something awesome (to me) out there that I won't know about until it randomly pops up on the side of YouTube OR I go home in seven months and it's old and everyone tells me to change the channel because they're sooo over it.
Frank's ORIGINAL RedHot sauce. That shiz goes on everything!

So those are my top four. No need to give you the whole list. -- Yes, there's a list. Actually it's a list of things I'm making my mother bring me in December when she visits. She may need an extra suitcase. Just saying.

While perusing Pinterest this week I found something awesome. I am doing this one day. It will probably be a lot of work, but I'm doing it. How awesome would it be?
An outdoor movie theater!! Kids would love it, my husband would think I'm awesome, and I even found a homemade mosquito repellent recipe so we would be golden. There are no excuses. {Except if we don't have a tree...Okay, when I make my "Must Have" list for a home I'm adding, tree, to the list. That was easy.}

So there was a huge market in town yesterday. HUGE. All the streets were blocked off and there was so much to choose from. Matt could have stayed in front of the street meat all day long but I made him browse a bit. I got myself some new slippers and a few fake cranberries and leaves to use for decoration.

I also found this awesome American flag scarf. It was all vintage-like and weathered looking. I found this picture on Google just to give you an idea. Matt wouldn't let me get it though. He said it was too much. It's because he's Canadian.
If he doesn't like it, I could just buy this whole outfit instead?
And one last thing. It's been a few days, I have lots to say! Blogger won't let me upload a video of Lucy playing fetch but I'm going to put it on the Sometimes Blonde Facebook page for all to see! She's awesome.
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