Hey There Coffee Girl

There's a reason people write songs about it. You know what the title of this post is from? Anyone? Canadians?

The Tragically Hip! -- Now, they're not exactly my favorite band or anything, but I do love that song. Even the late, great, Frank Sinatra wrote a song about coffee. Now, I love him.

It gets you through a tough morning. Keeps you going when you think you might crash mid-day. Hypes you up before a long night out, or helps those lids stay up when you're studying for a test.

I just enjoy the stuff. I've weened myself off the cream and sugar and drink it black. So it better be a good cup of coffee because there are no fillers, no cushion, just the pure taste of coffee. Yum.

Total side story: Did I tell you Matt had Kopi Luwak while we were in Barcelona?
It's what some like to call "Cat *Poo Coffee". {A profanity was replaced by Poo. Just an FYI.} Technically the stuff comes from the digestive tract of a little animal called the civet. It's a cat-like animal found in Indonesia. Their stomach acids react in just the right way with perfectly matured coffee beans and then, as always, they poo them out. Partly digested and ready for picking. Gross. I get it. But this stuff sells from ~$600 per pound. This baby cup Matt's holding ... 4.70€.
That price tag isn't a joke, folks. Ugh!

You know what else is pretty awesome and huge craze right now? The one-cup coffee makers. Perfect if you're trying to run out the door without having to worry about cleaning the pot and having just a little bit more than you're able to fit in your cup. I've used a few one-cup coffee makers in my day. And when I say "my day" I just mean in the last few years.

Matt's family is obsessed. Each of his brothers has asked for one for Christmas within the last two years and we can all blame his sweet, little mother for this. She's got each flavor lining her stove back and we all just go nuts trying them out every time we're there.

They've become such a hit with us that we got one of those spin-o-rama things --where you can display the flavors-- as a wedding present. Nope, it wasn't on the registry but somebody knows us well!

Keurig makes themselves one of the best I've seen, in terms of one-cup coffee makers. My favorite? The B40 Elite K-Cup Coffee Maker. Right now you can get it for just $119.99 at One Cup Connection! You can totally pay way more than that for a regular coffee maker and you're stuck with one big pot full of one flavor for an entire family. Why not make it easier on everyone and let them choose what they want each morning?

There are even 16 different brands available for the Keurig machines. Each brand having many flavors. You'll definitely be able to find something for yourself. They're even cutely named - K-Cups! Who would have thought they had a blog about the stuff too? Yup, a blog about coffee. Named after exactly what we use the stuff for, a break. Coffee Break! Check it out.

You know what should really hop on board with Keurig K-Cups? Starbucks. For heaven's sake I love the stuff. You know what else I love? Their Christmas look.
Wouldn't you just adore some coffee for Christmas? Keurig one-cup maker, yes please! Starbucks gift card, I'll take it! 
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