Google Keywords
(That picture isn't me, by the way!)
A few of my entries lately have been so serious and worrying that I'd rather stop and have a laugh this time. Below are actual keywords that people have typed into Google, gotten my blog as one of the search results, and then clicked on the link to visit my blog. Whether they found what they were looking for or not, I have no idea. I saved my personal favorite for last. Read `em and laugh!
"cute guy" shemale transformation
buy dirty transsexual pantyhoes tights
regret "sex reassignment surgery"
transsexual woman are awesome
with hormones his boobs will get bigger to have a bra
transgenders with painted toes
are ts women jealous of real women
does a transgender woman needs women vitamins beside the hrt
shemale yum payment choice
best bi-sexuel ever
I wish I was a woman so I could wear frilly things

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