Stick to Reading

Only four days left of the ten day challenge! Today's installment features four books. I love reading, especially while in Europe. If I have a good book then it's much easier to pass the time while Matt is gone for away games, at practice for the second time that day, or even when I just need some quiet time.

I'm also trying to reach 100 books by the time I'm 30. I actually think this will be one of the easiest on my list. I have completed fifteen books since I started my 30 Before 30 list and I'm still going. You can keep up on my recent reads here and check out what's next on my list. Or you can just view that cute little Shelfari book shelf on the right side of my blog!

So onto my four books of the day ...

This was my first purchase on my new Kindle. This book series (there are three books) has started a sort of frenzy between teens and adults alike. I have heard nothing but good things and I'm looking forward to starting it. I definitely need a pre-teen easy read every now and then!

I saw this for the first time yesterday. That's right. Christian Louboutin has a book ... of shoes. There are pop-ups and a fold out cover! Sounds kid-ish to me, but I would imagine the rest of the photography is beautiful. I'm thinking this should be bought for the pure fact that it will one day adorn one of my shelves and I will look at it and pine away for a pair. Pure torture.

This is my current read. It basically just reminded me of myself because the whole premise of the book is that Sam takes a job as a cleaning lady, yet has no clue how to turn a stove on. Now, I'm not that incapable, but I'm not exactly the Susie Homemaker type either. The last page I read had Sam approaching the door of a grand house in the English countryside and the owner asking if she was from the agency. (Obviously, she means Molly Maids.)

Recently I have decided half-decided thought about possibly becoming a nutritionist. Along with a yoga teacher and personal trainer - not the point. There is so much focus on food, and what we're putting into our bodies these days and I'm interested in all of it. I want to read about it, study up a bit, help others with their choices, you know, nutritionist type stuff. This has been on my reading list for awhile. I can't remember who exactly brought this up to me for the first time but I've thought about this book ever since. Maybe now is the time to actually start it. Heading to Amazon right now to throw this baby on my Kindle!
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