It's been a week or so since I last blogged. Things have been pretty quiet until the last few days, and now I've finally gotten some time to post it all.
First of all, as you might be able to see from the photos, I've recolored my hair. (And I also love girls. LOL!) I used the same color as last time, L'Oreal Feria Power Reds Ruby Rush. I remarked on what a light red it was at first, and a few of you wanted to see what it looks like right after I color it. Well, it didn't look quite so shocking this time. It's maybe a tad redder than the picture in the link provided above, but then said picture was taken a week later. I guess because I still had a lot of the old red in my hair still, or my hair got "used" to the color? Who knows? I do love the way it looks right now. I hope it doesn't wash out too quickly!
Also in the same post, I mentioned these tights that I wear sometimes when I go walking. I'm wearing them in the photos shown here. My therapist thought they were leather pants. Nope. I do have leather pants, but wow I'd probably have to lose 20 to 30 pounds to fit into them again. Last time they fit, I didn't have hips and a butt. It's amazing how fat on females is stored in different places than on males. And yes, the leather pants that I speak of are women's pants, just small!
By the way, I've lost seven pounds in a month and a half! From 163 down to 156. I wanted to lose 20 pounds before Arizona, so I may have to step it up a bit. I've still been eating fast food and such lately, thinking that walking alone might do the trick. Guess not. Three years ago, I was 135. That's pretty good for my height and bone structure (I'm built rather small), and I could fit into all my clothes again if I got back there. Well... almost... I don't think the leather pants would even fit at 135 pounds.
Next! (And this is not in order of importance!) We have an Arizona apartment approved and ready for us! It has three bedrooms (one more than we have now), two bathrooms, a private patio, a washer and dryer (Yay! We need those appliances so bad!), a dishwasher, and all the usual amenities. There's central air A/C, which is much better than those swamp coolers I've been hearing about. (I've been told that they're big machines that sit outside and pump in non-cooled, moist air into the apartment, making you all clammy and such. Ick!) We haven't paid them yet, as we haven't seen the apartment in person. But we hear that it's in a good area, and the pictures look good. Keep your fingers crossed for us? The amount of money we have to pay to move in is surprisingly small, which makes me skeptical. But I hope, I hope, I hope! My mother is kindly paying for the moving truck (Penske), and we already have the money saved to move in. We're working on gas and miscellaneous expenses... well Nikki is actually, since I'm not making any money. Anyway, it's going to cost about $500 in gas to get down there. We have some of that saved. We have 28 days to go. Four weeks! Wow. I can't wait! Even Skylar said she can't wait. What a cutie. She turns four on May 17th!
My tattoo is on Saturday! (I wrote about it here.) I can't wait for that too! Nikki's worried that I might bleed too much (due to it being over my port wine stain birthmark... see that entry), or it won't come out good. Nikki is a born worrier though, while I am sometimes dangerously optimistic. I'm just excited and so looking forward to this. You can bet you'll read about my experience here, with some pics, of course.
As I mentioned earlier, I've been walking a lot lately. I've had some interesting experiences, that's for sure. Some guy kept honking at me in his SUV. He then turned around and followed me, and tried to turn into a parking lot that was up ahead of me. Traffic on the other side kept him waiting, and I passed the entrance to the parking lot before he was able to turn. He came out and tried to do it again at another parking lot. Same thing. Ha ha! He honked again and drove away. Thank goodness he gave up!
Oh, and some guy came up to me and shook my hand (!) and asked me if I had any cigarettes... or money (!). I told him I don't smoke, and nope, no money. I hightailed it away from him as he uttered some non-intelligible words in reply. Oy! What else? Some guy on the back of a garbage truck yelled out, "Shake it, baby!" Something like that. I had some girl smile and wave at me. Maybe she thought she knew me. But then another girl was just staring at me and smiling from her car. I wasn't even wearing my pride bracelet! And lots of men staring. And old ladies. I'm not sure what's up with the old ladies. Sometimes I enjoyed the attention (as long as they were in their cars and didn't start following me), and sometimes I felt kinda creeped out. Go figure.
I got this bag (from Xhilaration) to keep my water, cellphone, money and other stuff in while I walk. It kind of looks like this, only the strap is black as well. (Too bad, it looks nice with a pink strap...) I love it, and Nikki says it looks like "rocker chick." Or is that "rocker chic?" Before this, I was walking around carrying my jacket or a Wal-Mart shopping bag to put this stuff in when I didn't have any pockets with my outfits (which is 90% of the time). This is much much better. Cute and no hands required. Sarah and Savannah also got some bags, since they loved mine so much. Sarah got a denim hobo bag with a matching hat, and Savannah got a small green bag.
And that's all my news. I surely can't think of anything else. I'll probably post another "blast from the past" on Friday night, and then on Saturday night, the results of my tattoo. Wish me luck!
Odds and Ends

hair and makeup,
weight and exercise
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