hello my loves,
this Spring Break was
ONE of the best ones i ever had yet :) it all started on Thursday 04/01/10 morning at round 2am-ish, Juls and I had to run couple errands, he needed to stop by Walmart to exchange some stuff. So we headed out to Union City (which is the only 24hr Walmart) but unfortunately their customer service was closed and we couldn't exchange it. So that was a bummer and Juls had a surprise for me; he threw in a destination into his Navi. And I'm thinkin whats goin on, he tells me we're heading out to
LOS ANGELES afterall (b/c we planned to go already this Spring Break but decided not to go in the end), so then we rushed home to pack a small luggage for the trip. Also booked a room at the
Kyoto Hotel which was located Downtown La and tickets to 6 Flags Magic Mountain. headed out from SF at 4ish am with the whackk ass weather of rain and cold wind and arrived to LA to a sunny ass day at round 9ish.,

since we're early and our room wasn't ready yet we decided to go Grab some brunch since we haden't eaten. Yelped around a place that's close to the hotel that was open so early, and i had found Thai City right near Downtown. Juls smart ass used his Navi and went to the wrong
City Thai restaurant

and ended out in
Pasadena instead. but its koo, it was still good. After that we headed back to our room so we can freshen up and have a day of fun at
Six Flags Magic Mountain!

here are some of the views around our hotel. i was being a straight up tourist :D hahah... Juls was siked that they had a big ass screen outside with the current live games. he was like "

i LOVE LA weather and all but i hate the fact that where ever you're going,

HAVE to hit the highway to get anywhere! its ridiculous even if places are close u still have to use to freeway therefore traffic all the time. whackkk. my look of the day,
no shadows; simple look w/ heavy bronzer.

Juls look of the day, his
D&G sunglasses and his
HUF shirt of the
AT&T Giants Stadium. he loves reppin our city. is it obvious? -_-

can you tell Juls was quite concentrating on the road? hah.

thats because we're not use to the
CRAZY LA driving, everyone smashin at fcukin 50-60's on the street and 80-90's on highways. and the roads are always clustered, felt like you got no room to breathe up in this bitch.

here are some quick snap shots of the downtown scenes i manage to get. its pretty crazy.

Juls and i think its more of the
Mission side like in the city. they got crackheads, dealers, side shows, jewelry stores out in the open. felt almost like home. hah. even got Palatero mans selling them creamsicles.

alright, here we are lining up for the
X2; never rode on it yet. the ride was fun, iono if it was worth the wait; but it was a good ride tho. after a few rides, we had to take a break; or at least i did. to give my head a break from all the spinnings and loops.

got a drink, a brownie, and blueberry muffin. the brownie wasn't overly sweet even tho it looks like it is surprisingly. cuz i can't handle shit thats over sweet, like chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and shit.

thats waaay too much for me. the brownie brought back old
child hood memories when they sold the individual small packaged brownies with walnuts at corner stores (if any of ya'll know what i'm talkin bout), so i really liked it. but that shit was pretty crackin.

yummmmy. nice and sweet in my mouth. if only they were some special brownies, the rides would've been a trip! as for that blueberry muffin it was wayy to cold and got harden from being in the fridge too long. booooo. after a long day of fun, headed back to the hotel for a nap then off to dinner.

we planned to go to a sushi bar restaurant near by after our quick nap since the restaurant doesn't close til 11pm. but
UNFORTUNATELY, we overslept til like 1am!! so we missed the restaurant ): and had to yelp around for another sushi place. cuz we really wanted some sushi. we found another sushi place that was like couple miles away that closes at 2am, so decided to go there. so with my bare face and all, we rushed out to get there before they close; cuz we were starved!

we got there and they were closed!! because they were closed that day... which was
SUPER PLAYYYYYYED. there was a place opened right by the restaurant that was 24hours,

so we just settled for this place called
Tomy's which you can see my Yelp review on it.

i ordered their
Chilly Cheese Hot Dog with a side of Onion Rings. i thot it was weird that they had tomatoes and relish on a chilly cheese dog?? after that ridiculous late night bite we headed back to the hotel to rest cuz we had to leave early the next day. Because we we're goin to go outlet shopping before heading back home to our city. i took a few quick photos of Jul's car,

since i never showed ya'll the rear which
MAKES THE CAR unique :D the next morning we got up around 12pm to grab some brunch, yelped some places and found this little breakfast place called
Nat's Early Bite Coffee Shoppe; which was thee best little brunch place you can find. everything was home-made and yummy! super quick service, awesome food; and home-made. what else can you ask for man. after breakfast we headed out to outlets that were on the way home.

did i mention they served breakfast all day long too!

so we went to the
Camarillo's 160 Outlet Stores. babe checks out the directory to find the stores we want to shop at. i was shopping in this one store and i let Juls pick out some tops for me that he liked me to try on.

here is one of them, preferably its not my typical style. he liked it tho. to our surprise while we was shopping babe's pops tells us to stay another night and enjoy LA and that he was down to cover one night of hotel for us to stay longer. we we're like
FASHOOOOOOO! haha.... so we definitely had to upgrade from the last hotel.

so we booked a different hotel this time in the heart of
Hollywood Roosevelt's Hotel. which was a 4star hotel, and damn its pretty nice here. check out our room we got. hehe.

it was definitely a
UPGRADE from our room at Kyoto's. the best part to me of this room was the
BED. King size, more space to roll around and comforters. felt like i was on a cloud. we settled down with our luggage and shit, freshened up once more. headed on out to dinner & a movie. Juls had found a little italian place called
Osteria LA BUCA cuz he knows i love italian. i must say this place had the
EVER HAD in my life.

no joke! it was nice and fluffy, perfectly sweetened. i loved it. the food was good, service was great, dessert was just the icing on top of a cake. after that we made it to the perfect show time for my well waited movie
CLASH OF THE TITANS that i've been waiting to watch! btw, this shit was good! i liked it very much. as we were lookin for parking in the lot, guess who we bump into?!?! yes. it is
Dorian Gregory a.k.a Darrell Morris from Charmed!

which is one of my favoritest tv series besides Friends. i grew up watching this show. so i had to take a photo with this fella. nigga is superrr tall man (we're matching almost), how ironic. hah. but he was really nice about me coming up and asking for a photo with him. damn, he gotten older. hah. but so have i, i was like 11-12 when i watched the show! hahah... that was pretty cool. the next day we headed over to
Universal Studios because Juls haven't been there since he was like 7 and i never been there. i'mma leave this blog with this photo.

surprisingly this shit was pretty good. the Simpson's ride was hella fun too, but i must say the best ride was
THE MUMMY. shit was a trip!! definitely ride that one if ya'll go to US! this was a perfect
get-a-way trip that was in need for both me and juls. we had a blast. feel very rejuvenated now. i hope ya'll enjoyed reading my trip as much as i did being there! toodles!
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