Sarah started one of her trademark temper tantrums upon being told we had to leave. The girl is ten and acts like our three-year-old sometimes. It happens so often, and I'm really getting sick of it. Okay, not getting sick of it. I AM sick of it. Thank goodness she has a therapy appointment at the end of the week. She didn't stop bawling and yelling until her grandfather came over to the car and scolded her for her behavior. He can be pretty stern, so even though he said pretty much the same stuff we were saying to her, she shut up right away. Thank you, grandpa! ;P
I had a therapy appointment yesterday. My therapist does not specialize in GID. I have no job, but I'm funded by the state due to my depression (which is more of a seasonal depression, I'm realizing... I HATE winter!). Unfortunately, my funding is due to be cut in October. Great timing there. Anyway, it was a good session and I got a lot of things off my chest. I also gave her the url to this blog.
Nikki, the kids, and I went to Wal-Mart afterwards. Everything went fine there, and I seemed to be "gendered female" the entire time. (Thanks for the new term, Lauren!) One thing that I know gives me attention is my propensity for wearing more cutesy clothing. I tone it down and I get gendered female more often. Wearing certain styles and materials get me more attention. For example, tops like this:

"So then tone it down," you say. But that's me. I truly enjoy wearing stuff like that. It seems either way I'm making a sacrifice. I either wear stuff like that and get gendered male sometimes, or I don't wear it, and wish I was wearing it. Decisions, decisions...
Anyway, Wal-Mart didn't have the Special K protein bars that I was looking for (or maybe they did and I just couldn't find them), so I went to Meijer's by myself later on. I couldn't find them there either, so I asked customer service. Special K cereal bars are in the cereal aisle (naturally). Special K protein bars are with the medicine and vitamins, etc... on the other side of the store! Oh well, so I bought 10 boxes with 6 bars each... enough for the entire month.
Yes, I am starting the Special K diet plan as of tomorrow... or later this morning... what have you. I opted out of the cereal, waffles, and all the other assorted things. I'll have a bar for breakfast, another for lunch, and then whatever I want for dinner. I can have fruit for snacks, or a Special K cereal bar. I was going to weigh myself tomorrow morning, but the battery in my bathroom scale died. WTF? I don't weigh myself that often...! I have a doctor appointment on Friday, so they'll weigh me then, oh joy. I do want to see how much I'll lose in a month. I'm very curious and hopeful, but ready for something way less than my goal. I would like to lose 10 pounds in a month, but somehow I doubt it'll be that much. We'll see. I'm going to start walking some more also, and maybe go on the treadmill or stairmaster like I used to. There's a little exercise gym in our apartment complex. It's free and I'm running out of excuses for why I'm not using the equipment there. ("Lazy" is always a good excuse though.)
I mentioned a doctor appointment. They insist on seeing me every three months while they're prescribing me hormones. I don't mind that much, since they're close by, and always friendly. I'm seeing a new doctor now, as the one I had been seeing has left the practice. I'm going to ask him if he can up my hormone dosages. I'm presently taking 4 mg of Estradiol and 100 mg of Spironolactone. I used to be on 8 mg of the former and 200 mg of the latter. Why the decrease? Well, when I came out here, I was going to a free clinic, and the nurse was very nervous about putting me on those doses, even though I had been taking them for years. This was as much as she would prescribe for me. Then I discovered a county-funded program called Macomb Care Connect. Now I only pay a $5 copay for each med, and I go to a different clinic now. They refilled the old prescription, and I never got around to asking them to increase it. I also figured that with six years on hormones, it may not make a difference. But now that I think about it, it might help with leg hair and such. My leg hair does take awhile to grow in, but I'm pretty sure it used to be less thick and stubbly when it did. Macomb Care Connect may not cover the higher doses. But I figure it's worth a shot. If MCC won't allow it, I can have the clinic phone in the old doses.
I'll sign off for now, since anyone reading this is probably bored of reading about me musing on my hormone doses and diet plans. Ha ha! :P
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