Money's All Broke, and Food's Going Hungry...

The title is a line from a song called "Snowball in Hell," by one of my favorite bands, They Might Be Giants. No, we have plenty of food, but yes, money is "all broke."

Our ISP is likely going to shut off in the next week or so. I'll stay "on the air" as long as I can, but the cable/internet bill has to be less in priority than things like, oh... rent, phone bill, car insurance... all bills that are behind at this point. I'll try to update my blog from the library, but I'll only be able to go two or three times a week, and they don't allow you that much time there. I'm still jobless. Nikki works as a substitute teacher, and there's not many available positions to fill during the summer. Between this and the trip to NY, we're struggling now. She starts work in a week or so, but we'll have to get the phone switched on first so she can get calls for work. What a mess.

I plan on making some extra cash as a mystery shopper. Of course, I need the phone on for that too, and internet access as well, I believe. I used to work as a "mystery movie-goer," I guess you could call it. That was back in the `90's. The company paid for two tickets, $5 worth of snacks, and they would send me $10 extra. I'd have to pay for the tickets and such up front, and then I would get the money back a month later. It really helped supplement my income to get $10 twice a month (the rest of the check would go to my next movie inspection). It was an extra push, and was nice for when I was between paychecks and needed to buy gas or something. I would have to fill out this form after seeing the movie, and attach the tickets and such, and mail it in to the company I worked for. I would need to provide the ticket taker's name, concession worker's name, and usher's name (the usher who takes your ticket, anyway), and make notes on their general appearance and friendliness. Did the concession worker try to get you to buy a larger soda, for example? Stuff like that. Also, was the bathroom clean? Was the theatre clean? What trailers were shown before the movie? How often did an usher walk up and down the aisles? There was a lot to fill out. Now there are people who do work for a whole bunch of these companies (mostly for stores, not movie theatres), and they can make over $100 a month. Hey, if I'm not working, it's better than just sitting on my ass, right? And I don't think my transsexualism would be an issue at all. They don't do background checks from what I've heard, so they'd never find out about my old name or any of that crap. It would probably help me to get out of the house and do stuff too.

I'm on Facebook now. If anyone wants to add me, just do a search for the email address at the top of this page. :) * EDIT: I just realized that the address only shows up for me because I'm logged into Blogger. D'oh! So here it is, spam protection enabled: amethystnewyork at yahoo dot com. I used to mess around on MySpace a lot, but haven't done so for quite awhile now. I used to write in a blog there (the entries of which I'm going to start posting here), with a preferred list. Only the preferred list can see my entries that have to do with anything trans. So I just left a blog post there, telling everyone on the preferred list to look at my new blog here. If you're one of those people, then heya! Thanks for coming! My preferred list was for understanding and supportive people only, and I don't think I could ever have enough of those. :)

What else? Me and my family went to Lincoln Park Days (a carnival) yesterday with Nikki's friend, Katie, and her two sons. It was nice for about 10 minutes, when it started raining. The kids got to go on a few rides, but then we had to drag our soaked bodies out of there.

The day before yesterday, I was out walking and I got stalked! This creeeeeepy guy was watching me from his car. He was blocking traffic in a parking lot while he was staring at me, so he parked his car so he could stare some more. I crossed the road into the Kohl's parking lot, so he backed out of his parking spot, drove into the parking lot, slowly passed me, and stopped in front of Kohl's. I went inside Kohl's and hid in there. I saw him drive away, but I waited an extra 15 minutes just in case, before I continued walking home. Ugh! I hate men like that. Ick ick ick!!!

When I was in our complex, almost home... two teenage girls drove past me. Then backed up next to me, and almost hit me. I pretending not to be scared by it and gave them a dirty look. That's just me, I never give people the satisfaction. High school taught me well. Anyway, they looked back at me, said something to each other which I couldn't hear, then drove away. What a pair of annoying twits. I don't know what it was all about, whether they gendered me as male, or they thought they knew me, or just felt like being idiots. Weird people...

My therapist is going to be laid off for a month or more. That sucks. I feel bad for her, and as for me... well, I really don't want to get a new therapist up to speed, when the state-funded program I'm on will likely cancel my coverage in a few months anyway. I'm up for review soon, and because of the gasping, wheezing economy we have, the state is cutting people left and right. I might get to see her for a few months starting in October... if she comes back... and if I'm not cut off. We'll see. I want to get myself back at the Transgender Rap support group at Affirmations again. It's a 45 minute ride, but we'll see. With no therapy after next week, I think I'll need to go.

That's my life lately. How are all of you lovely people doing? :)

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