ello moto,
so today i had FINALLY finished editing my niece's graduation pictures! yessss!!! BUTTT.... i still have hella other projects to edit (i.e. cars). those will be next on my 'TO-DO' list =T i can never rest i swear, this is how my LIFE is going to be revolved in infinite editing of photos. and u know wut sucks? is the fact that outta every batch of 200+ photos, the chances are slim that i only end up with a handful of satisfied results -_-* thats how it is... oh wellz. nothing i can do but complain once in a while. this is what i CHOOSE to do, my PATH (: so i'll make da best of it. so i thot i post up the few photos out of the 200+ photos outta this batch i felt is PUBLIC WORTHY.
this is a before pic

p.s. i'm STILL feeling hella outta it. *sighs* these tingley feelings keeps coming back everytime im near mr.penguinman >.<* crap. aiyaaaaa! wut to doo!!!!!
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