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So today instead I will be following along the lines of Leslie (whose blog I enjoy immensely) and playing along with the game that she was tagged in by Jamie at Kentucky Blonde. {Whose blog I also read! Check them both out!} It's just a bit of a questionnaire. Something to help you get to know your fellow bloggers, I'd say. I like it.
The rules:
~ you must post the rules
~ post 11 fun facts about yourself
~ answer the 11 questions that the tagger posted for you & then create 11 questions to ask the people you've tagged
~ tag 11 people
~ let them know you've tagged them
11 Facts about me
1. I run a decent amount. I hate every minute of it. Only once I finish do I feel as though I've accomplished something.
2. All day I'm constantly playing with my hair. Pulling off dead ends, peeling split ends, flipping, twirling, running my fingers through it. I never really realized I was like this until my father-in-law yelled at me to stop once.
3. Until this year I had never bought nail polish. I still can't understand why buy it when you can get your nails done for $15. Nicely done. Both hands. Not a nice left hand and a sub-par right hand. Or vice versa if you're left handed.
4. My feet look exactly like my mother's. Exactly.
5. Matt has recently told me I have my father's nose.
6. Do not touch my calves. Just don't. It's like one of those feelings where I can't quite decide if I should cry, scream, kick you, cringe, run away, vomit...so on and so forth.
7. I cannot stand the taste or smell of wine. None of it. And believe me, Matt LOVES it so I've tried them all. Plus I live in Italy. Don't you think I would like it by now if I was ever going to?
8. I do not think The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo is as awesome of a book as everyone else.
9. Apparently I am becoming quite the Italian celebrity. My friends around this league have said that whenever Asiago is on TV you will always have a close up of my face. Cool? Not cool?
10. When I was little, my neighbor Lauren and I would lay out on my driveway getting a tan ... while we wore shirts with little tiny holes in them. So we could have a hole-y tan. Makes complete sense to me.
11. I have totaled two cars so far in my 8 years of driving. Neither were my fault. I swear.
11 Questions from Leslie
1. If you could raid any celebrity's closet, who would it be and why?
Right now, probably Blake Lively. She's got it right right now.
2. If you were a shoe, what would you look like?
Sky high heel, round toe, bone, toe cleavage, red bottom. Louboutin anyone?
3. What is your biggest pet peeve?
I have come to find that I have many. Recently I really cannot take people pronouncing words incorrectly. People's names, the English language, Italian language even. It drives me bonkers.
4. Favorite song of all-time?
I honestly couldn't pick just one. Right now all I can think of are:
Under the Influence of Giants - Mama's Room ... because my friend and I used to dance to this in college and everyone thought we were nuts and
Jack's Mannequin - The So Uknown ... because it reminds me of so many instances in my life when it was playing. And they're all awesome.
5. Are you a dog person or a cat person? And why? (If you don't like animals, we can't be friends.)
Cat. Lucy, Jack and Ozzy are reason enough. Cats are cuddly, they have major personality, they're not blindly in love with you like a dog. You are not their master, you are their best friend, worst enemy, or quiet company.
6. You're queen for a day. How do you spend your royal 24 hours?
Hmm... Does being driven around in a Bentley to my favorite stores, getting everything for free, while drinking Starbucks count? I'd probably end that with Matt having movie night in our home theater. Because my castle would have 7.
7. What's the most delicious thing you've ever eaten?
I always go back to the mushroom ravioli I had at Hotel Laurin in Canazei, Italy. Unbelievable.
8. What scares you the most? (This can be deep and complex or shallow...whateva you feel like!)
Fish. I was just forced to figure this out in a long car ride home with Matt. I know, it's irrational. But I think they will eat my toes, drown me, touch me, something! I just hate knowing they're down there.
9. Which celebrity do you wish would drift off into obscurity?
Probably Kim Kardashian. Or Paris Hilton.
10. You're 16 years old again. What advice would you give your younger self?
Stick around town so you can meet Matt one day, but don't date that guy when you're 17.
11. What's your Starbucks order?
White Chocolate Mocha or Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino, when possible!
I'm going to be like Leslie again here and not tag anyone specifically. Just play along if you'd like! It's easy for some mid-week blogger's block!
If you're going to play along throw these 11 questions in there from me!
1. Who has more fun? Blondes or brunettes?
2. Drink of choice (alcoholic or not)?
3. N'Sync, BSB or 98˚?
4. Who is your idol?
5. If you could visit one place in the world on a billionaires budget, where would you go?
6. Beach or mountains and why?
7. Will you ever buy an eReader? And if you already have one why did you get it?
8. Who was your childhood best friend and tell us one story about them.
9. How often do you pin?
10. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
11. What did you get/do this year for Valentine's Day?
*And if you don't have your own blog, or just want to answer these questions in the comments I'm happy to read everything you have to say!! :o)
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