[ Lupe Fiasco - Show Goes On ] song dedicated to 2010 SF Giants Champions!!!
Hello my loves!
I just had to come on and post up this memorable day. Im in bed and I could not fall asleep for the life of me, ever since this far along my pregnancy I've been having a difficult time falling asleep. Guess Baby Illi is just like mommy-->Insomniac<--- that's not good. lol. So I was lying in bed and I went on my phone to google up how to fall asleep while pregnant. I got a few things that kinna helped me understand and have a reference for future nights like this (which will happen). In case there are some upcoming mommies out there like me who are having trouble sleeping like me can use some of these tricks and tips. Here ya go!

1. Go to bed drowsy.
Sometimes the issue is that you are going to bed wound up and not able to sleep because you are not physically or mentally ready to sleep. By entering your bed, only when truly ready to sleep, you increase the likelihood of actually succeeding. To help with this avoid caffeine after early afternoon, don't exercise vigorously past late afternoon, and don't have heavy discussion before bed or in bed. Doing relaxation alone or with your partner can be helpful.
2. Try a sleep inducing snack.
Comfort food isn't always bad. There are some snacks that might actually be helpful in promoting sleep. The warm milk or turkey can do the trick. The key when pregnant is to not overdo it and wind up giving yourself heartburn which keeps you awake.
3. Warm water.
A bath or shower can not only relax you and soothe soreness that accompanies pregnancy, but it can also help you prepare for sleep. This works before bedtime as well as in the middle of the night. For a double dose, trying reading in the tub to help clear your mind.
4. Reading or other mindless work.
Reading, doing small craft projects or even a tiny bit of mindless television can help you shut down your brain. In pregnancy you may feel like your mind is racing with all you need to do and think about. By giving yourself a chance to shut it off you can help prepare yourself for sleep. Avoid reading tense novels, mysteries or scary books if that upsets you in anyway. I also do not recommend pregnancy books for this time period, though baby name books seem to do well.
5. Get up.
When all else fails, don't lay in bed. Get up, do something, even if it's just changing locations. Set a time limit of 30 or 60 minutes that you'll stay in bed trying to fall asleep or back to sleep. Fighting it can only be more frustrating. And sometimes you can be very productive in the middle of the night alone. Some say that this helps you prepare for the sleepless nights in parenting ahead.
I found these 5 tips courtesy of: About.com

But anywho, shall I say YESTERDAY technically was the official day of San Francisco Giants day! Champions of the 2010 World Series baby!!! Ain't that some shit, so far this year is ending pretty well! :) Even though we may have been shit talked left and right bout us making it to the World Series and what not; we showed them fcukers!!! Riiiight! We proved them wrong and what makes it SO MUCH FRESHER THAN FRRRESH KICKS is the fact that WE LEFT THE MARK at THEIR HOME. hahaha!!! bitches. WE OWN IT boyyyyyyyy! Stomped on them 4-1 hell fcuk yess. shut them shit talkers up! Ain't got nothin to say now do they after we took over! I'm so glad to be alive to witness such a mark in History of Sports. Alright enough of that, Halloween has came and passed with a blink of an eye! This year I went over to thee sister's place to help her pass out candy to her trick-or-treaters since I'm preggo it's best for me to stay in doors and plus her hubby havent gotten to go trick-or-treating with her and her babies at all. Its about time for him to take a break from passing out candies every year and to go out and enjoy a night with his familia on Halloween (= Since I don't have any costume I just came up with a last minute costume with the things I had at home.

Our Pumpkin Family.
Me, Illi, and Juls
You like the little bow I did on Illi? hahha... to make her look more cute and baby-ish with her two teeth :P

And I had came up with Minnie Mouse, lol. A very cheap costume, but hey! It's better than nothing. I finally applied makeup, been a hot minute since I wore any shadows and what not. I just threw on my Disney Land mickey mittens and ears and I was set, applied some rosey ass cheeks and a mouse nose and I was set. Oh! I also taped on my Velcro hair bow onto the ears so it looked more Minnie! hahha... Ironically my bow was red and polk-a-dotted! So it all worked out in the end ^_^V I had a overall great Halloween, very chill and relaxing. Next year I will have Illiana dressed up for Halloween for sure! :D hehe. I hope you guys had an awesome Halloween this year! Let me know what'chall costumes were!! I would love to know and hear about it! Take Care loves! Have a great one! *Deuce deuce*
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