[ Watching the World Series SF GIANTS!! ]
hello everyone,
how are ya'll doin? it has definitely been a while and may i say a SHIT LOAD has been goin on with me. i've been on the low taking care of shit in my own life. if you guys don't know off of my TWITTER yet, well; me & thee bf Juliano are going to have a baby girl! And we had already came up with the name Illiana Eva Gomez, its pronounced "ill-lee-ahna". so pleeeease don't butcher her name guys! lol. but n e hu, it was definitely a surprise to the both of us and everyone else in our life. lol. but it's a GOOD SURPRISE and we are very happy blessed to have such a great surprise in our lives. i am currently at 28 weeks and in the photo i posted for ya'll as well.

Which mean i am due in approximately 2 months!! isn't that insane?!?! the hospital estimated my due date will be around January 18th, 2011. Both our families are very excited and happy for us! besides the whole baby business and adjusting shit around to prepare for the baby. I had recently moved in with Juls and his family at his place, it is traditional for Chinese that the FEMALE goes with the MALE; plus juls parents always really wanted me to move in with them as well. so that had took A LOT of my time moving stuff out of my place and unpacking it here at my new 'home' now :) organizing everything. to add on even more good news me and Juls purchased our FIRST car together (financing), it is our family car for our incoming baby girl. It is a 2010 Acura RDX AWD Turbo'd :D so i'm going from a TYPE-S to a Turbo'd mommy! you can say everything is happening at WARP SPEED, but me & Juls has been through thick and thin; and this is something we are gladly take into our arms and make the best of it! knowing its going to CHANGE OUR LIVES big time. so please bare with me if i'm MIA off the net guys! i will try to come on when i can to update and do some tutorials, but i can't promise anything. mannn... i don't think i ever heard of a CHINESE MIXED WITH GUATEMALAN girl before, im EXCITED!!! hahaha... but for now i will leave ya'll with this long needed update. don't worry! i'm still around snooping, just not so much posting! lol. i love you guys! have a great weekend! and LETS GOOOOO SF GIANTS!!!! World Series, we can take it home!!!!!!!!!!
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