[ The Hit Crew - Monster Mash ]
Hello hello!
its that month again! OCTOBER!! my favoriiiiiiite! why? HALLOWEEEEN of course!! i love everything about it, besides the fact that its scary? am i weird for that? lol. i like more of the cuter side of halloween decors and all the costumes/makeup. i love it. so i had decided to do a Halloween Series since last year i didn't do it ): but its 2010! gotta live it up yo. So if you follow me on Youtube, this is my SECOND halloween series look; thee boyfriend suggested Frankenstein. so what i did was i combined both Franky himself and Frankenstein's wife! this is MY VERSION of Frankenstein's Wife.

Products used:
Urban Decay - Primer Potion
Beauties Factory - 120 Palette
Nyx E/L - Black
Nyx Jep - Milk
Loveme Makeup - Mermaid Fin Glitter Pigment
Mac - Fix+
Incolor - Fabu Liquid Liner
Mac - Feline Kohl
Hard Candy - Sheer Envy Light Primer
Jordana E/L - White
Nyx - White
Mac - Feeling
Mac L/L - Chestnut
Nyx - Hestia
Mac Fafi L/G - Totally it
have fun with yo makeup! it don't have to be exact, its 2010 for pete sake! turn shit around, turn it UP! upgrade mang.
i have provided the live tutorial and here are some photos of my result. feel free to leave me suggestions for halloween looks! and i might just do them! hehe. i don't have any face gear, as in face paint and alluh that shit; so bare with me. and spare me on anything TOO crazy that needs face paint! alrighty. until next time. hope everyone make the best out of their week! MONDAY is officially over, it should be easy from here on for the rest of the week! *deuce deuce*
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