Nikki and I were planning on the both of us going with her, but they scheduled the surgery for 6 AM! Don't these people sleep? I had to stay behind to get Savannah and Skylar on the bus.
Nikki and Sarah returned around 10 AM. Sarah was very dizzy, so Nikki and I supported her on each side and helped her into the house. She was a little woozy on and off throughout the day, but she was otherwise just fine.
You can see Sarah on the left in this picture. If you click on the pic, you can see the band-aid on the side of her face. The wound looks pretty good. It's smaller now, and it really isn't nasty to look at. I thought it would look horrific. It's just strange for Nikki and I to see her face looking different. We got so used to that mole always being there.
She has to have an antibiotic cream and a fresh bandage put on twice a day. The stitches will be taken out early next week. We're supposed to hear back soon about the results of the biopsy they did. She'll have the second surgery in two months. (They split the procedure in half to reduce scarring.) Right now, our biggest challenge may be in getting her not to scratch it!
We're going over our friends' house tomorrow for Thanksgiving. We had some kind of a problem two months ago. Some really hurtful things were said. We hadn't really talked to them that much since then, but one of them contacted me a couple days ago, to ask us if we wanted to come over for Thanksgiving. We agreed. I'm hoping for the best, and I'm all for turning the other cheek and letting bygones by bygones. I know I'll feel awkward though, at least for awhile, but there's really nothing I can do about that.
What I'm really wondering, is how they're going to fit all these people in their house! They're having a few other people over besides us (to a total of 12 if all show up), and their house is basically a cottage. But we'll see.
I hope everyone who celebrates it, has a Happy Thanksgiving! And to everyone else, just have a wonderful day! :)
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