[ Dj babyboi ft. Dj Loopy - i'll fly with you ]
so lets do a recap; so... Monday 10/26/09 Lemo's Pumpkin Patch in Half Moon Bay:
thee bf Juls, homegirl/nextdoor neighbor Nika, and i headed over to Half Moon Bay to Lemo's Farm, for their 'CRACKIN' pumpkin patch to copp some pumpkins. there was quite a lot of people there, it was a very niiiice day out; warm and sunny at a 85 Degree day.
right when i walked in there was this little guy to greet me, i think he looks pretty cute and interesting. happy fella stitched with a smile for life...
the first thing we did was grab a quick snack bite at the patch, because we havent eattin at all yet. so i had the nachos (u already know i had to top it off with hella Jalepenos), Juls had their PUMPKIN PIE (it was to die for), and Nika had her tiny slice of pepperoni pizza.
i loved being there, the ambiance was koo as fcukkk. everything was sooo colorful everywhere, kids hella happy; parents hella chill. damnnnn, i miss it.

i was walkin around, to stumble across these little cute statues; but i was wondering. why the fcukkkk is there a random ass president in the middle of a skeleton boy & a scarecrow kid, when its halloween? i just thot he's hella off, WHAAAACK. hahah...
quick pic before we start searching for our 'CHOSEN ONES' who's finna get CUT. me & nika, apparently Juls forgot to get the background as well. sheesh. to think he would've learned a few pointers from me by now.
at least my sexy homegirl Nika knew wutsup with the background pics. me&juls ,we trynna look all cute and shit.
now time to get down to business and find our PUMPKINNNNNNS!!! here thee bf debating which one to get, cuz he was holding mine (my hero) already. im quick with it; he's very indecisive sometimes. lol
so much for my hero, he got tired of lugging mine around, so this is what he did. sheesh, so much for a GENTLEMEN. haha
so while we was heading out, i notice this... it aint even THANKSGIVING yet and they already got these little guys out and ready!!! gosh, dats a SPIT in Halloween's face my nigga!!! i was like... i hate christmas... taking over everything. if ya'll didnt know, i AM the Grinch of muthafcukinn christmas.
so while leaving, i notice the other pumpkin patch like across from us have a whoooole lot more of pumpkins; like a waaaay bigger selection. but it looks boring there, like any other patch tho. cuz Lemo's had quite a small selection of pumpkins to choose from. hrmmm, either u choose the Quality or thee Quantity. of course i chose Quality my nigga.

that was the trip of the Patch. time to go home. didnt really wanna leave yet *sobbs*
now as for Wednesday 10/28/09 Pumpkin Carving 101:
You'll need pumpkins (no shit), tools to carve with, and a stencil you prefer. i chose a ghost, this is my first time stenciling in an image; usually i just go for the usual faces. but this year i felt like UPGRADING. hah. so when u got your stencil ready, tape it onto the pumpkin like so.
since i didnt have those fancy shmancy tools, i used a regular table steak knife; and followed the outline of the ghost. by stenciling dots, so instead of drawing the outline; i DOTTED the outline of the ghost first. then you should cut out the outline of the circle first, then go ahead and cut along the dots you had already outlined as your guidelin; like so.
finish up carving your ghost shape
you dont have to do this part; but i sharpied in a face and outlined the ghost so it POPS out more.
sign it, so people know whatsup.
heres Juls pumpkin, he wanted to keep it simple; cuz he's not very artistic as me. lol. so he outlined his first with a sharpie.
then he just carved out the face with a table steak knife as well.
this is ours together next to each other; and on the steps (lit&ready) where everyone can see them when they walk pass my house. hehe. btw, by tilting your top lid of the pumpkin will give the candle air so it wont go out as well as giving your pumpkin more shine of light from above; therefore more scary shadows (:

okay, last section of my Halloween Blog.
Saturday 10/31/09 Monster Massive Rave in L.A.:
my homegirls Kayola&Nika brought to my (this was friday night 10/30/09) attention that they wantd to go to MM in L.A. for halloween; my plans originally was to just stay home and hope for trick-or-treaters (cuz my neighborhood tends to never have any cuz of the area i live in) and i just pass out candy. but my girls were sad cuz their original girls that were suppose to go had FLAKED on them last minute (and i know how it feels when flaked on last minute); so my spontaneous self decides to go. cuz they seemed really sad and had their hopes up to go; but no ride. And they invited me, and since i havent really done anything like that with the girls anymore; i was like 'WTH, LETS GO; FCUKK IT. HALLOWEEN! HELL YEEEA!'. so i packed my little Goldilocks costume, pjs, makeup, hair tools, and headed out with them. i drove all the way because i wasn't sleepy at all, since i am nocturnal on some levels. after 7 hours of driving we arrive at 8-9am to Nika's homeboy's hotel at the Westin Hotel. took a quick nap; enjoyed the day, then got ready for the funnn crazyyy night imma experience for the first time. None of us three had ever been to a rave, so this will be our first. not only that, this was going to be Nika&i's first time 'ROLLING'. here is Sexy Goldilocks/Referee/little Devil.
the guys were lame, they didnt have a costume; so this was all they had on. lol.
took a quick taxi from the hotel we arrive
there were HELLAAAAAAA people, and i do mean hellaaaaaa. the line was crazyyyyy to get in. pushing and shoving. here it was when it WAS peaceful OUTSIDE line up to purchase the tickets & pick up on call tickets. but when we got inside; where the 'LINE WAS FORMED'.... it was insaaaane; after half hour into waiting; the line had VANISHED; fences were being lifted and passed by everyone.
workers were yellin out to everybody to have tickets out. so im all ready, and pumped!
quick pic before we go in lookin all types of fcukked up.
when we finally got in, it was amazing. it was a inside/outside rave; us three went inside to the Arena. CRACKINNNNNNN.
we went down to the dance floor, everyone pushing and shoving tripping and gallyapping to the floor; when we reached the stage almost. it was AMAZINNNNG, esp. when your ON ONE, the Deejay was pretty good.
when the FOG MACHINES went off on stage, it was a triiiiip. i can feel my spirits lifting and the rhythm in the music was setting my high even higheRRR...
homegirl Kayola was on the floor with company, we dont know him! hahha... but she's getting to.
so me and Nika was off on our own; since our referee fell for ONE SIDE of the team. lol... we got a strange dude to take a photo of us. we were sweating our pretty little tits off. if u cant tell.... haaahahh
then the stranger dude asked me to take a photo of him and the devil, hahaha...
end of the niiight, lights coming back on slowly... nobody wanted the night to end already; even tho it was 3:30am
last photo of the night girls.
i had a a blast at Monster Massive, i can't wait til my next rave! GIVE THANKS is coming up guys; are any of ya'll attending? im debating... hahha.... but that was my Halloween week/weekend! i hope everyone had a good one as well! until next time, take care! *deuces*
so lets do a recap; so... Monday 10/26/09 Lemo's Pumpkin Patch in Half Moon Bay:
thee bf Juls, homegirl/nextdoor neighbor Nika, and i headed over to Half Moon Bay to Lemo's Farm, for their 'CRACKIN' pumpkin patch to copp some pumpkins. there was quite a lot of people there, it was a very niiiice day out; warm and sunny at a 85 Degree day.
now as for Wednesday 10/28/09 Pumpkin Carving 101:
You'll need pumpkins (no shit), tools to carve with, and a stencil you prefer. i chose a ghost, this is my first time stenciling in an image; usually i just go for the usual faces. but this year i felt like UPGRADING. hah. so when u got your stencil ready, tape it onto the pumpkin like so.
okay, last section of my Halloween Blog.
Saturday 10/31/09 Monster Massive Rave in L.A.:
my homegirls Kayola&Nika brought to my (this was friday night 10/30/09) attention that they wantd to go to MM in L.A. for halloween; my plans originally was to just stay home and hope for trick-or-treaters (cuz my neighborhood tends to never have any cuz of the area i live in) and i just pass out candy. but my girls were sad cuz their original girls that were suppose to go had FLAKED on them last minute (and i know how it feels when flaked on last minute); so my spontaneous self decides to go. cuz they seemed really sad and had their hopes up to go; but no ride. And they invited me, and since i havent really done anything like that with the girls anymore; i was like 'WTH, LETS GO; FCUKK IT. HALLOWEEN! HELL YEEEA!'. so i packed my little Goldilocks costume, pjs, makeup, hair tools, and headed out with them. i drove all the way because i wasn't sleepy at all, since i am nocturnal on some levels. after 7 hours of driving we arrive at 8-9am to Nika's homeboy's hotel at the Westin Hotel. took a quick nap; enjoyed the day, then got ready for the funnn crazyyy night imma experience for the first time. None of us three had ever been to a rave, so this will be our first. not only that, this was going to be Nika&i's first time 'ROLLING'. here is Sexy Goldilocks/Referee/little Devil.
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