The picture to the left was taken around that time.
Vanessa (who I was renting a room from) had threatened to kick me out multiple times. It wasn't anything I was doing, but she was having some kind of a disassociative disorder at the time. I also wanted to protect Nikki. So with nowhere to go besides my parents (who didn't accept me for who I am) or Nikki's, I went with Nikki. We had our own room, he had his, and the kids had their room. It was actually his idea, which Nikki later told me was because he would rather have me move in, than have her move out.
The whole arrangement lasted for 30 days. Here's a post from day four:
The whole arrangement lasted for 30 days. Here's a post from day four:
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Current mood: busy
For those who don't know, Nikki and I are living together, as of the end of last year. I have a few things at my old home (a shoe tree, a DVD remote, a torchiere lamp, a windbreaker, and some cans of soup, among others), but 99% of my things are moved out. I still have to organize a lot of things, but there's not a lot of time to do that over the next several days. I'm going to be pulling some major overtime at work.
Things are far from perfect where we are. This wasn't the way I wanted it to happen. But I'm very happy, regardless. I love just coming home to her, falling asleep in her arms, and waking up and seeing her right next to me. These things and more, just make me so happy. I know some of you may find it foolish that I moved in with someone after only two months. She's my soulmate, and that's why everything happened the way it did. It's almost like we were made just for each other. The things we like, the way we are, and the way our lives lately seem to be going, are just so similar. It amazes me. She amazes me. I have loved others. But I was always feeling, "I love her so much, but sometimes I wish she was more affectionate... or more intelligent... or more honest... or we had more in common." Nikki is everything I've ever wanted.
I hope everyone had a nice New Year's. Nikki and I were so exhausted from moving so many boxes, that we slept through it. If I don't write some of you back in a timely fashion (I know, I'm guilty of that as we speak), I apologize. I'm not online yet at home. I am online at work, but it's been crazy over here. Right now, I'm in the calm before the storm. I'll most likely be working until 11 PM tonight. Then I'll go home, shower, go to sleep, and then come back to work. All this will pass soon, and then I'll be able to breathe.
Am Universum
By Amorphis
Release date: 03 April, 2001
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