hello loves!
so quick RECAP: Friday 11/20/09
i had a very sudden job; my homegirl Nita told me bout how her old co-worker was workin for a Fashion Show that night and they were short of Make up Artists. She recommended me to him; and of course i hit him up for my VERY first gig! i was excited but also kinna nervous cuz i havent had such a huge event before; didnt know if i meet up to the standards!! >.<* hahha. but anyhu, so i haul'd ass down there with all my shit and for a moment i was circling around to find the place. it was down at Vanness right across from the City Hall, in the Veteran War Building. overall it was a fun night! i had a GREAT FIRST TIME gig; and everyone LOVED my work!! it meant ALOT that everyone loved my work; as well as the Designers. i did as they requested; for the eyes to match somewhat of their designer dresses. everything was so SUDDEN that i didnt even know a thing about this Fashion Show. i just knew that it was a Charity Fund Raiser Fashion Show; for the Veterans. on with the pics! btw, the girls were all EXTREMELY gorgeouss and superrr friendly.
Model #1: Ms. Phan
i did a Smokey Purple on her eyes, cuz she was going to be in a semi-grey/purp dress.
i did a semi turquoise smokey eye on Ms. Janet here; with a touch of gold in the tear duct. She's already oh so gorgeouss already without any makeup! those are her NATURAL lashes!!! just with mascara! i know right?!?! Gorgeouss...
i had put on a Smokey Black with a touch of Pink in the blending. No falsies cuz Model didnt want any.
for Ms. Amy i just did a simple gladiator look; since her outfit looked very much like a gladiator. i had mainly gold e/s with some smoked out red (desginer's request). Amy was such a sweetheart! we were straight choppin' it up bout VH1's Tough Love & For The Love of RayJ, hahaha...
now, with Liz; i went a little different with the eyeliner. i winged out the bottom liner as well for a semi-Egyptian princess look cuz her dress looked very much like it. Also stacked on TWO PAIRS OF FALSIES; for that extra BLAM! and may i say; her dress was HOTTTT! *sizzle* on her. i think her look was my favorite out of all the looks i did that night =]
i totally forgot her name! im so sorry!!! but she had the same purple as Ms. Phan (M #1) smoked out with a hint of gold all over her lids. Of course plus them falsies!! duhhh! gotta look GLAMOROUS.
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