
I went to the eye doctor the other day, that one in Wal-Mart. I have a pair of very old glasses (from The Before Time, so they're not all pretty or anything) that are bent and not my prescription anymore. That's okay, because I hate wearing glasses and I only wear them around the house and such. So yes, I wear contacts... and I'm on my last pair. They are getting a pair of free samples in about two weeks to hold me over until I can purchase some amount of contacts.

Skylar says, 'imagigation' instead of 'imagination.' Imagi-gay-tion. I like it. Someone should give their LGBT blog or organization (organi-gay-tion?) a name like that. That would rock.

Christmas shopping is just about done. We didn't get that much for the girls, but they'll get other things from their family in New York (semi-useless but hey it's something). We're really short on funds and high on expenses lately. Thank goodness the electric bill went down to $138 because we're really not using the air conditioner anymore. That's still pretty high though. Geez.

I've been playing a lot of Return to Castle Wolfenstein lately. Well, not a lot compared to a gaming enthusiast or anything. I play every two or three days because I'm so busy with other things. Anyway, it's great fun. Your basic shoot-em-up game. Blow the hell out of Nazis, and then all of a sudden, they bring these undead things back to life. The game totally changes into scary mode after that. Then it's back to Nazis. Hmmm.

We went geocaching again (see here for our first two times). We didn't go to as many or for as long a time as I wanted. Nikki was tired, and so was Skylar. Oh well. Maybe we'll do better next weekend. I'll write about it in more detail in my next post.

A friend of mine (granted, Facebook friend but maybe soon more of a real life friend) is going to try to start a non-profit insurance company of sorts for transfolk seeking GRS. You would pay a certain amount per month and then a deductible, and the company would pay for the rest of the surgery. Naturally, there would be guidelines to follow, and only reputable doctors would be covered. To anyone reading this, what do you think? Is this feasible? What would be some pitfalls and complications, besides getting all the money together for this?

My feelings of depression are directly linked to the cold. It got cold a couple weeks ago (thirties in the morning, and fifties in the afternoon), and I had a few bouts of depression. Ugh, it sucks to suddenly feel so down. For the last five days or so, we've been getting a bit of a heat wave for December (a warm wave?). Now that's it's been upper forties in the morning, and mid to upper seventies in the afternoon, I've been feeling just fine. I guess Arizona is really good for me.

I'm sure many of you bloggers have gotten junk mail from Goofle AdWords. They'll give you $100 of free advertising. You only pay when someone clicks on your ad and goes to your site. Well, I set everything up, and made sure that we would not be going over the $100. Naturally, I made an ad for my blog. However, it's been a week and the ad is still "under review." Figures.

I talked to my dad the other day. He thinks I should get a construction job or go dig ditches. "They're always looking for people to dig ditches." Yeah, that would be a great environment for me. Throw a girly transwoman in with a bunch of macho men. If they didn't figure out I was born male, I'd still be in danger for being the only soft, curvy thing there. No thanks. Dad needs a reality check.

Oh, my boobs are sore... again! It's been over seven years since I started hormones. They're still growing! Is that unheard of or what? I'm not sure. But I'm pretty thrilled about it. They're all sore and warm. Awesome! In following tradition, we need another nice picture of cleavage.

I got a haircut over the weekend. I really love it! My hair can't be too long or I end up yanking it all out. Well, not all of it (!!!), but you know. It's now just under my shoulder and I have respectable bangs again. Yay!

That's it for today. Stay tuned for another geocaching report!

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