
Okay, so it's been awhile since I've last posted. First of all, nothing new is really going on. Same jobless situation, same struggle with bills, etc. Secondly, I've been sick for the last few days, and when I'm sick, all I want to do is lay around, or better yet, sleep. There are a few tidbits of information that I can share, however, before I start relying on old material again.

(By the way, that is NOT me on the left. That's plus size model Crystal Renn. I'm a big fan of curvy women. Down with models who are sticks and bones. Why did I put that at the top of this entry, which has nothing to do with plus size models? Because I can.)

As mentioned in this post, Nikki fell and broke one or more of her ribs. It's been two weeks now. She is improving, however... a week after that happened, she fell down some outside steps and hurt her other side and her back (nothing broken though). This time I wasn't there to semi-save her. My poor baby! I'm starting to think that maybe she's like a dwarf (a fantasy dwarf, not a little person!), who is better off with both feet planted on terra firma at all times. So, needless to say, she's been out of work. She hopes to feel well enough to return after the presidential holidays are over. Hopefully there'll be no spills in the meantime!

And now, following up on this post, I had an appointment with my doctor the other day. He's keeping me on the Provera (aka progesterone) for another two months. My breasts are still sore, and they're red on the inside curves, like a mild sunburn. I'm going to milk this for all it's worth! (No pun intended, seriously. I just read that back to myself!) My doc is also consulting some supposed big-shot endocrinologist in Los Angeles, to get treatment ideas for me. As far as I know, nothing has changed in the last five years, in the way of hormone supplements or other medication for transsexuals. Correct me if I'm wrong. But we'll see what he hears back.

I took Sarah to her therapy appointment the other day. She was in good spirits, and we talked about a great many things, such as that we hate black "accents," and we love asian accents. Then we started talking about Jackie Chan and how funny he is. And so on. It was some nice one-on-one time, even though it was just a car ride there and back.

It's a pretty stark contrast to today, when I was taking Sarah to get her blood drawn for her surgery on Monday. I think she was just nervous, but wow, she was so quiet. At least it wasn't a mad kind of quiet. She's been so moody lately, and she's about to start that wonderful introduction to womanhood. (If you don't know what I mean... get a clue!) Anyway, I left an hour before the appointment, thinking we had enough time. I'm getting on the highway when I think, "Hey, don't we need a prescription slip type of thing?" I could swear we had one of those with the first surgery (which you can read about here, if you like). I called Nikki and left a message, and I wasn't sure if we had one, or needed one, so I kept driving. Sure enough, Nikki calls back, and she has the piece of paper we need. By this time, we're halfway there. I turn around, get the slip, and head out again. The main road down there was pretty busy (both times). We ended up getting there FIVE MINUTES before closing time, and the door was locked. Arggghhh! They're closed Sunday, so the surgery is off now, since they need bloodwork first. Grrrr.

Anyway, we ended up going shopping at a few stores (frog food and people food, i.e. groceries for the latter). We went to Red Lobster for dinner. Yum! We haven't been there since we left New York, so we're talking at least 2.5 years ago. You know, they haven't changed the menu a bit. We had Lobster Nachos for an appetizer, and I stuck with my mainstay of "Ultimate Feast" for the entree. I ate everything but three fried shrimp. What a piggie. I was so stuffed.

Oh yes, one more thing. Nikki decided not to take that evening job (see the post regarding that here). It wasn't really because of me (at least I don't think so), but more that she had bitten off more than she could chew, especially with her double injuries. So she called them and told them she had to quit, the day before she was supposed to start. They were not happy. But oh well! Nikki is still looking into college courses, which would be during the evening, so I might have my solo run after all. We'll see. She's trying to work out the details with grants, loans, payment plans, etc., etc., etc.

So those are our current events. I left out a thing or two for another blog entry. I miss bugging you people with my blabbering every day or two.

Oh yes, I gave this post a title of "Title." I couldn't think of a name. So I thought that would befit my wiseass, sarcastic self.

Happy Valentine's Day for anyone who doesn't get miserable about it this year. For those who do, I'm sorry. Never give up. Your equal is out there, somewhere, maybe looking for you. Maybe not. Sometimes you need to clobber them over the head and drag them home by their hair. What? It worked in the old days!

Oh look, another plus size model! Now how did that happen?
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