Of Philanthropists and Shoplifters

Two wildly different subjects here, pure opposites, in fact. First off, I got a call from my therapist today. Well, mostly Nikki's therapist, but whatever. She said she's worried about me, that I seem very angry, frustrated, a bit depressed, etc. I've been on a short fuse for months now. Normal things that would annoy me, now make me feel like I'm going to explode. This isn't like stubbing your toe, but more like personal relationships, like with Nikki and the kids. I know I need therapy, but I have no insurance, and the state-funded program I was on, cancelled my case. That was last October. Depression and GID just don't rate, I suppose.

She told me she would see me pro bono on the weekends. Therapy. FOR FREE.

"Huh? What? For free? Sure, sure, when can I come in???"

Never have I heard of such a thing. She gets paid nothing for this. I feel kind of bad just accepting it. But I know I need therapy badly, and she's a very good therapist. She's a lesbian as well. During our last session (I often come with Nikki), Nikki even said that I need therapy bad. I don't know how long she can see me for nothing in return (besides the satisfaction of helping little ole me, I suppose), but I plan to go as long as I can... while feeling slightly guilty all the while.

Seriously though, how many therapists can be as nice and just plain awesome as this? I had one who saw me for half the going rate when I ran out of sessions that would be covered by my insurance, and hey, that was nice. But this! Wow. Just wow.

Anyway, on to our second subject. When my family and I were at Wal-Mart the weekend before last, I saw these two pre-teen or young teen girls looking at jewelry. Way too young for me and not attractive to me either, so don't worry there! The brunette had really nice hair though. Her and a little blonde girl were looking at jewelry. I was looking right at them from 20 feet away, I suppose, and then they start stuffing jewelry in their pockets. Hey now!

I go up to Nikki and tell her that two girls are shoplifting. She tells me to grab our purses. D'oh, Nikki. They're stealing store merchandise, not our stuff! So the kids hear us, and they both go over to where I'm standing and stare at the girls. Niiiiice one, real smooth there. The girls leave, and they come back a few minutes later. I'm looking for any employee in the area, and I find this one man at the jewelry section cash register. He wasn't there a minute ago. Also, he looks pretty dingy, and is not wearing any uniform at all. He's taking cash out of the drawers, but is acting like everything's normal and he's supposed to be doing what he's doing. I know, that's the way to fool people, just act like you're supposed to be there. But I can only deal with so many suspicious people at a time here. Anyway, he says he doesn't know what to do about it, and he doesn't really care, he doesn't work here. Huh?!!?

The girls left again, probably seeing me talking to the... errrr, non-employee? Mission failure. We grab a few more things and head to the check-out.

While our stuff is being rung up, I see the two girls again. It was hard to miss them, as the blonde was spinning around in circles. She was sort of young to be on LSD, but hey, they get younger and younger these days. I told the cashier, and she called security. As we're ready to leave, this biiiiig guy shows up. The girls had walked down towards the end of the line of checkouts, so he said, "I'm on it," and headed in their direction. I would've loved to see what happened next, but now I was a bit scared for those girls. The guy was well over six feet tall and looked to be about 300 pounds... versus two five foot, 70 pound little thangs. Nikki wanted to go home. I thought she was mad at me for "turning them in," but she said she would've done the same thing, and she was surprised I would do that... that I wouldn't care enough. I know, I pretend to hate the human race most of the time (and it isn't always pretending), but sometimes I care. Better they learn their lesson now before turning to stealing cars or something.

I have a few more interesting tidbits to tell (good and bad), so hopefully I'll have time to post tomorrow. I've been very busy lately, and you'll soon see why.  ;)
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