Mongrels, Money, and `Musement

I was attacked by a dog last night... while it was on a leash!

I had to go to K-Mart to run an errand, so I decided to walk. By the time I was heading back, it was already dark. I was almost home, and walking on a narrow sidewalk with tall weeds on each side of me. Why they're still thriving in December is beyond me. I saw a man walking a dog, heading in my direction. No biggie, and pretty common around here. As I was about to pass the dog, it was straining on it's leash. Pretty common there too, as they usually want to sniff or lick you. It wasn't growling. All of a sudden, I felt something hit my hand (gloved, by the way) and pull on the K-Mart bag I was holding. All I could think is that it wanted the bag, and then I had passed the dog. It ran back after me, straining on the leash again, and it bit me on the leg! I was wearing capris, so if it had bit any lower, I would've really been bleeding. As it was, it bit me pretty hard through the denim, and there's a small mark there. It still hurts a bit if I sit indian-style, which I often do while messing around on the computer.

I did yell, "Owww" at the time, and that's when the dog started barking and growling like I had one of it's pups. The man said, "Sorry." He also chuckled. Yeah, real funny. He continued walking back where I had come from. I didn't know what to do, since I didn't want to get any closer to that dog. If it hadn't been on a leash (or if it had gotten free with all it's struggling), I might be a statistic right now. Nikki told me later that I should've called the police, but I don't think it was worth it. I'm no good at remembering and describing facial features, etc., and the bite mark is rather tiny. I made sure to rub the site real good with hydrogen peroxide. The whole incident just shocked the hell out of me.

I want to get some pepper spray. And from now on, I don't care if it's a bichon frise... I'm crossing the road if I see any dog without a muzzle!

In other news, I've been rather lax on the blog posts lately. I've been feeling mildly depressed and anxious. Nikki and I are due in court in two weeks, for late payments on the rent. I think we'll be able to pay it off before the court date, but just today, both of our cellphones were turned off. I wish I could help pay this stuff. It's not fair for it all to be on Nikki. Nobody wants to hire a transsexual over here, it seems. I couldn't blame them. With tens of thousands of unemployed cisgendered folk in Michigan, why would someone want to hire anyone so far from the norm? New York just seemed to be so much more LGBT-friendly.

I've been playing the first Parasite Eve game lately, on a PlayStation (PS1) emulator called ePSXe. Tres fun, and it helps me get my mind off the money problems, and the stress that stems from the money problems, and the arguments that stem from the stress. Ugh... where was I? Oh yes, Parasite Eve. It's a pretty awesome RPG game, with real-time fight scenarios and dazzling cinematics. It's about the mitochondria in people's cells uniting and mutating those people into monsters and such, in an attempt to take over the world. I'm currently on day five, for anyone familiar with it. I've tried to get a PS2 emulator running, but I think you need a quad-core machine, or a high end graphics card. We have a dual-core cpu, and I have no idea what kind of graphics card that came with this thing. Isn't that sad?

I just finished re-reading "Different Seasons" by Stephen King. I first read those stories in the eighties, when it was released in paperback. "Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption" is my favorite story there, and it made an awesome movie too. There's a classic line from the movie, where Tim Robbins asks Morgan Freeman, "Why do they call you 'Red,' anyway?" Freeman goes, "Hmmm. Must be because I'm Irish." Well, in the novella, that question didn't need to be asked, since Red was in fact Irish with red hair, and not black, as played by Morgan Freeman. Too funny. Freeman did such an excellent job though. I just couldn't read the story and not see him as the character of Red! "The Body" is an excellent story also, which some of you may know was made into a movie called "Stand By Me." After re-reading that one, I watched the movie again with Nikki and the kids. It's not a bad movie for kids that age to see, if you ignore the constant cursing and the fact that 12-year-olds smoke once or twice. The latter made me a bit leery, but Sarah did say, "Ewww" when she saw them light up. Good girl!

Now I'm re-reading "The Bachman Books," also by Stephen King. He had secretly written quite a few books under the pseudonym of Richard Bachman, but somebody was onto him when he came out with "Thinner," since it had sold so many copies. Anyway, I just finished "Rage," in which a teenage boy kills two teachers and holds his class hostage... sort of. This was way before the Columbine murders, by the way! I'm about to read "The Long Walk," which I remember loving. Somehow, King can take a story about people just walking and talking to each other, and make it interesting. I'm eager to rediscover just how he pulled that one off without making it the most boring story ever told.

When the real world gets too intense, I find other bits of reality to hide in. Books, video games, and I've even been interested in watching a few movies I've missed. The first two I can pull off without spending any money though. I have plenty of unread books lying around, and I can get the games for free off the `net.  ;)

Other than that, nothing much else is new. I can post some more blasts from the pasts and mini-biographies (and I will), but I've been feeling so overwhelmed lately. I've been keeping up with everyone's blogs though. I like seeing what all you cool peeps have been up to.  :)
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February 26, 2018 at 2:08 AM

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