The photos are being put into Christmas cards and going out to Nikki's ex and his family. Some of them just can't stand me. Too damn bad. LOL! We made sure not to put the kids between the two of us, so that we wouldn't be easily cut out of the picture. My idea. ;) Nikki said that if anyone complains, they'll get two photos next year. HA! I looooove this woman!
I'm also sending cards to my family, i.e. parents, sister, brother, grandfather, aunts and uncles. I haven't talked to many of these people since before last Christmas. I had sent them all a letter last April, finally coming out as being transsexual. My parents had known for six years, but I hadn't told anybody else, due to the reception I got from them. My sister called me and told me not to bother anyone in the family again. I didn't hear back from anybody else. You can get the whole skinny here.
Well, they're all getting cards signed AMY (plus Nikki and kids, of course), and a picture of moi with the kids. With my red long hair, cute green dress... well, you can see for yourself. (This is not the photo, by the way!)
I expect the hate mail and/or calls to begin shortly after Christmas.
Don't get me wrong. I don't want to upset my family, believe me. But it's time they saw the real me, and maybe it's time my mother stopped living in denial and selling her sob story to the rest of the family. I'm not a serial killer, I don't deal drugs or even do them, I don't club baby seals to death... I'm just a normal WOMAN trying to live life, bring up her kids with the love of her life, and just trying her best to find happiness. Why should others' happiness have to preclude mine? Can't they just be happy that I'm happy?
There are a few happy exceptions to my family's rule. My grandma accepts me completely, as well as her son (my uncle), Dennis, and my cousins, Deanna and Candice. That reminds me, I have to get their addresses.
I'm not giving up on my family. They'll get these cards every year, and someday they'll write or call. They may come to be really angry with me, but such is life. My cards should be going out early next week. I'll be putting my phone number and email address in there too. I'll keep you all posted, of course. ;)
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