[ David Jassy - Match made in Heaven ]wuddup wudduppppp, countdown of 5 days til Christ-mas. ya'll done with shopping yet? insaannne how malls dont close til 11pm! any hu, so the other night; like last week (12/12/09) had dinner at Sudachi's Sushi Bar for homegirl's KAT'S BIG 21ST. her bday was a day after Manda's (12/08/09). crazy huh? as i was saying, it was pretty fun. had a couple of dranks, and pretty bomb sushi actually. im not that big of a fan of sushi; i just like their sushi rice. thats about it :)
alright lets start with the pics, IT IS all about the photos yea? (= so beginning of the night; here is a quick pic thee bf snapped of me.
now i did the same back to him, dont he just look OH SO HANDSOME? my baby. yanno we was sittin on some seat pads? like on thee flo?!?! yea; okayy... we aint gonna trip NOW after a few drinks right. lol.
here is thee BDAY GIRL KATHLEEN & I =D gotta love her & her drunk ass.
heres thee babesterr with thee birthday drunky.
driiiinks are here!!!! my BLUE LEMONADE was good: a Mixture of Lemonade, spritz of blueberry juice, mixed in with SOJUUU; in the beginning you dont feel the hit; but about half the cup later... need i say more? shit was pretty crackin. gotta keep in mind im a LIGHTWEIGHT, thats allergic to alchi! mmkay? :P
here we have Kat, OMARNSTERR a.k.a Mr.Penguin Man, & i.
this shit was BOMBBBBBBB, iono if it was just cuz i was buzzing; but shit was fresh. my rice was PERFECTLY moist and soft (not too soft where it tasted like congee), egg was soft and perfectly salted, and the katsu was nice and crisp; the batter was perefectly seasoned. mmMmmMmmmm good.
MY MONSTERR ROLLL!!!! (tempura crab wrapped with avacado) i couldnt NOT finish that shit. lol. i was stuffed after my TONKATSU (which btw i murderrrrred with a pistol *POW POW*) ^.^
babe ordered thee Teriyaki Chicken (since he cant eat fish), his plate came with ONE PIECE OF GYOZA + a side salad. his shit was pretty bomb too!
i then gave thee love her bday gift, got her a Hurley Checkered type COWGIRL button up long sleeve in Purpe&Dark Gray. that had HURLEY in cursive on the back upper right shoulder. i knew she'd love it!
birthday gal's surprised slice of cheesecake from thee restaurant! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE! Make a good wish!!!!!
Full body photo! cuz she ONE SEXYYYY biiiitch.
here, L-R are: Annie, Me, Kat, and Carmen (carmen what is you doin?!?!) lol
how bout a full body girl group photo as well! now thats better Carmen!
before we headed out, quick photo with thee LOVE OF MY LIFE & his baby fohawk.
After dinner, most of us headed back to thee bday girl's place and drank some mooore, kicked it watch some movies that was on MTV. lol. last photos of the day! enjoyyy guys! 
until next time, i will see ya'll l8r! *deuce deuce* happy DRINKING & safe FCUKING!
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