I know I was going on interviews, while still working my night job. But as far as specific occurrences... well, I can't remember a thing. And no, I was not drinking! Wise-ass people. I was still going to therapy, and I was still "out" at home (I was renting a room from my friend, Vanessa), but not with relatives or at work.
In July, I managed to finally secure a position as a network tech. It wasn't exactly what I wanted, since I was also doing mailroom duties, but it was better than nothing. I kept working at my old employer, only I switched from nights to Saturdays only. Or was it Sundays? I forget. I know that eventually, I worked both days on the weekend because I was having money problems.
In November, I finally gave in to Vanessa's constant badgering, and made a MySpace account. I found it to be a lot of fun, and I went on there constantly for the next two years or so. In November, my hair had finally grown out to a length I was comfortable with. The photo above was my profile pic, and my profile was also public. I'm not sure if they had a way to make it private at that time, but I was enjoying being able to show the real me online. Naturally, I got some icky letters from horny guys. Oh, one minor detail: I stated that I was a lesbian all over my profile, but didn't mention being a transsexual. I just wanted to be seen as any other woman would. Here's my first ever blog post on MySpace:
November 23, 2005
Hi there! I'm new to this blog stuff (yes, I'm a blog virgin!), so please bear with me, and I'm sure I'll make this look cooler and more individualistic as time goes on. I'm not sure how often I'll add to this. I suppose whenever something interesting hits me, you'll see a new entry. Onward...
I just signed on to MySpace on Sunday the 20th, and some of the losers have found me already. "Who are the losers?" you ask. Well, I think this message I received will speak for itself.
Hi there! I'm new to this blog stuff (yes, I'm a blog virgin!), so please bear with me, and I'm sure I'll make this look cooler and more individualistic as time goes on. I'm not sure how often I'll add to this. I suppose whenever something interesting hits me, you'll see a new entry. Onward...
I just signed on to MySpace on Sunday the 20th, and some of the losers have found me already. "Who are the losers?" you ask. Well, I think this message I received will speak for itself.
From: walter
Date: Nov 21, 2005 9:58 PM
Subject: dam
Date: Nov 21, 2005 9:58 PM
Subject: dam
the one woman i fall head over heels for and feel so much by just seeing one pic and she not into guy's but maybe a black man like can save the day cuz i would luv to lick your sweet juices cuz i know your sweet inside and out..baby amy those legs are hot that hair and face are hot ..your so my type of womwn white bruenette..let me be your black knight and i'll be your black knight I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AMY:)
Ugh. Here's my response:
Don't confuse love with lust. You really should restrain yourself. Even straight women wouldn't appreciate what you wrote. It was quite disgusting, and obviously, so are you. Real love is about respect, and you have none for me, otherwise you would consider the fact that I don't want a stranger writing about my "juices." Learn how to spell and punctuate properly. Oops, I forgot, that one brain cell you have, is unable to concentrate because you're in "love" with me. Get a life.
Ugh. Here's my response:
Don't confuse love with lust. You really should restrain yourself. Even straight women wouldn't appreciate what you wrote. It was quite disgusting, and obviously, so are you. Real love is about respect, and you have none for me, otherwise you would consider the fact that I don't want a stranger writing about my "juices." Learn how to spell and punctuate properly. Oops, I forgot, that one brain cell you have, is unable to concentrate because you're in "love" with me. Get a life.
Not Yours, Amy
Mind you, I think I could have been much nastier than I was with my reply. I don't understand people like this. What part of the word "lesbian" do they not understand? Even if I was guy-crazy, I still would have been disgusted by this letter. I'm sure you MySpace girls are oh-so-familiar with this crap, and I've had my share of assholes bugging me on the net and in real life, but man, are people stupid. Millions of years of evolution, and this is what we have to show for it. Somebody get me off this planet!
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