[ Jeremih - I'm a star ]ayomayo!its been a HOT *sizzle sizzle* one, i know riiiight? but i HAVE been on twitter, if ya'll aint followin me yet; get crackinnn! if u wanna know wutsup with me that is. u dont HAVE to. lol. but yea, school BEEN started for like passed 3 or so weeks now, and its been kickin my cheeks like crazyyy. i still be struggling with that ONE 8am class! arghhh! damnnn, why i chose to take chinese characters for?!?! what was i thinkin??? what was i smokin?!?! i need some MO of that shiiiiiz. so lets start off with i went and got my highlights touched up, heres me under the steamer in foils; u can call me FOILHEAD to the rescuuuuue!!! *DUN DUN DUN*
so now i look fresshhhh. hehe (: and yes, i am happy with my results. i like my stylist; she's so chill. she was choppin it up with me like it aint NATHAN, we was talkin bout her kids; my guatemalan boyfriend.
how it was when she was a kid; and the old wars. prettyyyyy interesting, i was entertained being in her chair. hehe. i didnt need no magazines to wake my ass up. i was superrr tiiired too! hah. but alriiight, so how was everybody's LABOR DAY weekend? mine was pretty koo & chill. got a little fcuked up Friday night. hahah. i was buzzinnnnnn which led to ----> K.O.! heres me&alexis finna knock the fcuk outtt!!
been a while since i drannnk, im suuuuch a lightweight. F.Y.I. i HAAAATE BEEEEEER. which btw we playyyed beer pong -_-*

i never playyyed it; and i didnt suck THAT bad (for a noob) eugh. on the reals in this pic, i was READY
to make some love in this club; haahh.... can't lie. so i went to SANTA CRUZ BEACH BOARDWALK Sunday with the babe Juls & homie Alex, tried to get some color on this pale skin. so here we are on the way, had to make a pit stop real quick to get somethin. duuude, this makeup was like 24hours! cuz the night before we headed out to santa cruz we went to Jackson Rancheria Casino, i came up $50! (: haha; makeup still pretty much intact, but blush is gooooone fashoooo. quick flick! 
(fyi: all these pictures in this blog are from my fone, HENCE: no watermarks. lol) so yea, we tried to get tan; but it was NOT happening, 
DONT MIND my tatas. lol. they cant help but come out and get some color on'em mang. can u blame me??? shiiiiet. if u have it; flaunt it!
cuz we got there like hella late :( we arrived round 4ish pm! sun was out; but wind was blowing like crazy. i was startin to get cold after the first hour of being on the beach!!!! boooo!!! sucked balls! moving on...yesterday i stopped by DOLLAR TREE and bought like $15 worth of Halloween decorations and shiiiiiit, im excited. i LOOVE LOOVE LOOOOOOOOOOVE HALLOWEEN if ya'll dont know. its my FAVORITEST HOLIDAY, yes it BEATS Christmas to me!
iono why i love it sooo much; when im such a wuss when it comes to horror/scary films. hahahaha.... but oh wells. that dont mean i cant love it :P i wonder wut i should be for halloweeeeen this year??? i was a SOMEWHAT SEXY CORPSE BRIDE last year? lol....
how bout this year?? any suggestions yo???? i wanna show some skiiinnnnn mang! maybe get crunk just like friday again! WHOOOOT WHOOOOOOOT! so thats all i got for updates for now ya'll. so DO try to follow me on twitter if u miss me like craaaaze up in this bitch. i'm on that thang like 24/7 on the reals. its sooo fcukin easy to update on that thang. thats why i've been hella lazy with my blogs. but imma try to keep up with the blog game tho. I PROMISE! :) so until next time! i shall blog then! love u guys! OH BTW! i reached 1,045 subbies on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL!!! keep them coming ya'll!!! i REALLY APPRECIATE THE LOVE; that THAT MANY ppl actually take the time and tune into my channel mang. crazyyyy. makes me feel honored! *takes a small bow* hehehe. i LOVE YA'LLL!!! before i go... i finally got to use my Essie - Matte About You topcoat ontop of China Glaze - Frostbite
(dont mind the messyness, i always do it messy so i can get every corner). i give the topcoat a 4/5. the only con i have is that it doesnt HARDEN fast enough; easily dented. but dries pretty quick. hehe. *DEUCES*- LOVEVA<3
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