A few notes: I always say "delicioso" due to oversaturation of Dora, thanks to more than one of my daughters. The pending trip to North Carolina that I mention below, will be detailed in my next two "blast from the past" entries. And finally, I miss guacamole Doritos!!!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Current mood: cheerful
Forgive me, MySpace, for I have not blogged. It's been almost two weeks since my last entry. With unspoken encouragement from a new friend (who is an unstoppable juggernaut with blogging), I've decided to post a new entry, and hopefully I'll do so more often, at least for a little while. I tend to get lazy with such things.
A few weeks ago, I went to Traxx with Nessa (my best friend and room-mate, although I know I have must have mentioned her before). We had a good time for the most part, although I did hear that it was much quieter than usual. There was some lesbian place in the same town opening up that very night. I didn't meet anyone there, but then I've never been the type to just introduce myself to people I don't know. Nessa did talk briefly to this one girl, who then tried to "sell" herself as a dance partner to Nessa, for an AIDS walk donation. That was kind of tacky, and Nessa didn't appreciate it. Nessa and I did dance for a bit, but she had to stop because her leg was killing her (she broke her ankle in three places last summer). It was hurting her for days afterwards. Poor Nessa. I did meet my old best friend's sister there. It had been about 15 years ago that I last saw her. I kind of always knew she was a lesbian, but it turns out that he's gay too. What a trio we make! LOL! Anyway, she's the DJ on Saturday nights, and she's very cool. I had a good time overall.
I'm getting ready for my second trip down to North Carolina to see my daughter! I leave on Friday morning, and I'll be staying at the same motel as last time. It's a really nice one, as they have not only a pool, but the beach is right there. They have a playground too. I was really dreading the nine hours of driving last time, but I actually enjoyed it (especially the trip back up, since I didn't get lost... and I loved the Chesapeake Bay Bridge!). I'm looking forward to getting my guacamole Dorito chips, candy (mostly things I can suck on, like red hots or root beer barrels), a bagel with lox in the morning, and heading out on the road. I plan on getting down there at around 6 or 7 PM the latest, to check out one of those seafood places down there. My daughter lives near the Outer Banks (which means it's by the sea, duh... hehe) and there are many seafood restaurants down there. Crab, lobster, scallops, shrimp...! Kick ass! Then I'll pick up my daughter on Saturday morning and I'll probably take her back to that "Stack `Em Up" breakfast joint where lots of hick people stared at us. LOL! It's weird, that place was almost like the cafeteria back in high school.
The guys on MySpace harrass me constantly. Maybe if I change my default pic to something "not me," they'll leave me alone. This one guy writes me saying he'll pay to smell my sweaty feet. Uhh...can you say nasty? This other guy wants me to kick and punch him in the balls. Words failed me at that point, ROFL!
I went to the Green Cactus Grill on Friday night with Latoya, a friend from work. (Hi, La La!!!) We both had a huge plate of nachos. Damn, they were so good! I was going to try something else, but with her sitting there eating those nachos that I love so much... I just knew I would get jealous. Ha ha! Anyway, we had a good time, and just pigged out. The next night, I went to dinner with my friend from my other job, Daria. Guess where we went? Green Cactus Grill! (Can you tell I like that place?) She didn't get the nachos, so I was able to try the vegetarian burrito. It was mucho delicioso! She got a Fajita Burrito Enchilada-Style, and she loved it. Then we were still talking and stuff, so I got some chips and just loaded up with salsa and pico from the salsa bar.
I had a salad tonight, and I'll have one for lunch tomorrow. I had been doing really good on the salad (five meals a week) and pink grapefruit (four breakfasts a week) semi-diet. I kind of fell off of that. I just like to eat yummier stuff. But I don't want to gain a lot of weight back, so I have to eat evilly in moderation again.
I'm really looking forward to X-Men 3. The second one was so good. And this one has Jean Grey as Phoenix (at least I think so). Phoenix was the most awesome female character in comics back then. She was gorgeous, had great hair (LOL), compassionate, had true beauty of spirit... but piss her off and she'll destroy the universe. Bwah ha ha ha! One bad-ass chick. My role model in life. (Be afraid, be very afraid!) Anyway, May 26th, I am there. And you better be there with me too, Nessa... or you'll awaken the wrath of the Phoenix!
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