We're now caught up to 2006. Still no mention of any transsexual topics here, since many on my friend list had no idea I was one. The trip I mentioned below turned out okay, although I ended up driving south through Washington DC and ended up on the same road I needed to head east on... two hours away. It ended up being a 13-hour drive. I got stopped by a policeman 30 minutes from the motel. When he went back to his car to check my license and such, I panicked because I felt like the car was still moving! Anyway, I got a ticket and mailed in the payment. Can you imagine if I had to show up in court?
And the "certain someone" that I pointed out below? That didn't pan out. She was my first date in four years, but she was full of... ummm... malarkie. That's right, full of malarkie. What the hell is "malarkie" anyway? But I digress. I sort of met my fiancee, Nikki, because of this girl, so I don't regret meeting her or any of that stuff. :P
You can also my see my addiction to DragonLance novels at the end.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Current mood: Too many to list
As some people may have noticed, I don't post a lot of blogs. Well, there really hasn't been a whole hell of a lot going on...until now. Christmas was nice, New Years was nice,I didn't have anyone to share Valentine's Day with, so that was kind of a bust. Everything else has been pretty much the same old same old. Working, eating, sleeping, reading, meeting some cool people on this site, and not much else besides that. But now I have news. First, the bad news, then the so-so news, then good news...
First and foremost, Brad (Sena on my friends list) is leaving. Brad and Nessa split up some time ago, yet remained very close friends. Nessa has been going through other heartaches and problems lately, and now he is going back to Pennsylvania on top of that. But I realize that he must go his own way and do what's right for him. I will miss him dearly. He will be leaving tomorrow while I am at work. Tonight I am buying him and Nessa dinner...whatever his tummy desires. I will be watching over Nessa and doing my utmost to insure that she's okay. I will always consider Brad to be a dear friend and wonderful person. My fondest wishes go out to him, and I will be keeping in touch, of course. I hope that he finds happiness and contentness where he is going. I miss him already.
Secondly, I will be driving down to North Carolina a week from today, to see my daughter. I haven't seen her since Christmas. Her dumb-ass mom got knocked up for the second time by a man who lives in another state from her. She is due to have this baby soon, so she is unable to drive my daughter up like she has been. It seems very probable that I will be driving down there in May as well. I have never driven this far or this long before. I was told that it would take about 9 hours without stopping. Well, I imagine I'll have to use the bathroom, eat, stretch my legs, etc...so it may take slightly longer. And if I get lost...ugh, I don't even want to think about that! I am looking forward to seeing my little one, of course...but I'm dreading all that driving into unfamiliar lands.
Lastly, I want to say HELLO HELLO! to all the wonderful new friends that I have met on this site. :) I have met some truly cool and interesting people here, and I am so glad that I got to know you all. A special hello goes out to this one certain someone. Maybe you know who you are. I am very glad we met. :)
I have no idea what to make my "current mood" icon. Worried, sad, happy, excited, contemplative, nervous, hopeful...? I guess "other" works.

Fistandantilus Reborn (Dragonlance Lost Legends, Vol. 2)
By Douglas Niles
Release date: 01 July, 1997
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