[ watching: Suite Life of Zack&Cody ]
greetings kids.
this entry is going to be less talking and more picture image viewing. so enjoy the flicks and let the PROPS roll on in yo! enjoy! let me know if ya'll enjoy these car event pics?! if so, imma keep posting them up here for my personal reference and also for ya'll to enjoy!
here a couple of us met up right by King City. to caravan (drive all together) to Bimmer Fest. ya'll notice that ONE Lotus with us? it was pretty clean tho even tho it aint a bimmer.

u know me, i gotta get my cold coffee; specially on a nice warm sunny day. heres thee boyfeen waitin on my drank for me ^.^ aint he just a SWEETHEART? lol.
as i use thee toilet :D finna be a long ride; gotta use the potty mang. can't hold that long.
then thee boyfeen had to wait as the other guys use the bathroom. lol. i told him to try a few poses, he was kinna hesitant, but once i started snapping... u can tell he got comfortable quick.

gotta keep heading out to our destination ;]

here we back on the rooooooooad, got a looooong way to go still O_O! of course i gotta take some snaps of the gorgeouss sky. loving it!!

took a couple of pics of thee homie Rob's car (8 u see all the 3M tape we 

we met up at in-n-out like 6 miles from our hotel, and daaammnnnnn; we took up the ENTIRE LOT. crazy, they had to kick us out of there. lol.
so here we go...here we have thee boyfeen caught offguard. lol. i thot i catch him and his two favorite colors ORANGE&BLACK (hence its the colors of the SF Giants).
then he catches me. lol. okay... lets get back to business. so this is one of the older M3's. cleeeeeean.

here we have another M3 with the LS Blue Paint. *NOTICE* how its sponsored by "EVA" lol. i just had to snapped that up (: it stood for Euro Vehicle Automotives, or something like that. how cooooool. my name is abbreviated. haha. imma start using that shit =P

heres thee boyfeen's whip with his VORSTEINER CARBON FIBER HOOD and his homie Rob as well.dont them two just make a cute ass couple?? lol... they look like brothers i swearrrr!!!!!

heres one of the guy's (his name is IZZY on the e90 forums) that had their car in the show, he was nice enough to start choppin it up with thee boyfeen. his car was HELLAAAA CLEEEAN O_O

heres a M6 running on it has carbon fiber front grills.

HPF (i think it stood for High PerFormance) 3 series.

yea... i MADE him (: hey! they were hot!! specially the chick on the right, i loooved how she got that volume right on her crown. but eh, i can tell theres hairspray and a whole lot of teasing involved -_-* and i do not wanna do that. lol. but n e hu, he was all shy and hesitant at da beginning, THEN he was all happy bout it. dont he look so cute like a little boy again. VMR performance wheels.
here is a M3 with a MATTE FINISH on the paint, kind of like a primer. namean. pretty funny license plate huh? alot of the cars has their own custom plates. heh.
this is another one with LS Blue paint as well.

did i ever mention i NEVER seen an EIGHT SERIES until this Bimmer Fest??? lol. i know, im so late. but its kinna cool. i wouldnt drive it, but the idea of a 8 series existing is pretty cool.
lastly is a drop top pimped out with ACS accesories :P
*deuce deuce* TGIFF! (thank god its fcukin friday)
greetings kids.
this entry is going to be less talking and more picture image viewing. so enjoy the flicks and let the PROPS roll on in yo! enjoy! let me know if ya'll enjoy these car event pics?! if so, imma keep posting them up here for my personal reference and also for ya'll to enjoy!
here a couple of us met up right by King City. to caravan (drive all together) to Bimmer Fest. ya'll notice that ONE Lotus with us? it was pretty clean tho even tho it aint a bimmer.