My sweetie got me a new cellphone the other day. It was a free upgrade, but I like it a lot better than my Razr. It's cute, it's pink, and it does everything my old phone did, and then some! I have an mp3 player in there, a lot more options with the camera, and a few other details. I have a lot of photos I have to get off my old phone, and then I'll be switching over to the new one. This is what it looks like:

As mentioned in this post, I had gotten a prescription from my doctor, increasing my hormone meds to twice their amount (where they'd originally been before I moved to Michigan). I had to use up my remaining meds before handing in the new prescription. My spironolactone had run out the night before. (Yes, it's a mouthful, and it also blocks testosterone.) At midnight last night, I went to the 24-hour CVS near me to hand in my script for 200 mg's. The pharmacist told me I had to come back at 2:30 AM because the insurance company was in a different time zone, and it had to be past midnight where they were to run the script through. Weird, but okay. I'm always up at that time anyway. I wasn't sure my insurance would approve that dosage, but they did! For any who might be curious, here's what my pill looks like:

I'll find out next week if they'll approve my estradiol at a dose of 8 mg a day (from 4 mg's)! I think I might have a harder time with that one, but we'll see.
One of our tree frogs died the other day. :( He was a white's tree frog named Hip Hopper. I have no idea why he died, and we only had him for two or three months. He's survived by his buddy, Guacamole. We went to Petco and bought another white's tree frog, only this one is really big and of the Indonesian variety. We named him Taco. He croaks really loud. Rrawwwk! Rrrrawwwk! He's so damn cool.

I installed the Networked Blogs app on Facebook last night. I'm really loving this! You can invite all your friends on Facebook to join and follow your blog on Wordpress, Blogger, etc. Then they get notified in their activity whenever you post a new blog. This is great, because I have so many friends there who haven't even heard of my blog. You can add a blog page to your profile, gain followers, and follow other blogs, naturally. There's even a discussion board and a rating system.

They also have a widget that I've added to my blog, which you can see near the top of my sidebar. Click on "Follow this blog" at the bottom of that box, log into Facebook, and you'll be good to go. I'm also looking into making a Fan Page on Facebook, since a few bloggers I know have done the same. Next: The world! Muah ha ha ha!

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