These were pictures taken at a dinner and dance event known as CDM. It was held in New Jersey, and no, I don't know what CDM stands for. Crossdresser something, probably. I went with the usual girls from FemmeFever. As you can see, I did my makeup a little heavier like I used to. I figure I would do so since it was a dress-up event. I also loved that pink and purple eyeshadow combo, which I still have, but don't use anymore. I don't remember too much about this event, and I have only a few pictures.

What I do remember is that I had to cut my hair shorter a few days later. I was starting a class at Chubb Insititute for computer networking, and they had a dress code. I was so upset about cutting it short. Back in the late `90's, my hair was down to my behind, but I didn't take care of it. It looked like crap. I didn't mind getting it cut off, and it was actually a relief. In 2004, well... just look at these photos. I took good care of my hair, and I could really make it look nice. The hairdresser just asked me if I was sure, and I told her, "I don't want to. I have to." I cried after leaving the salon. I felt totally defeated.

Me with some woman named Kim that I met there.
I let it grow out while I was at Chubb, a 10-month course (more on that in the next entry), but it didn't get to a length I liked until late 2005. Until then, I wore my wig a few more times. My therapist really helped me through this. My therapist in New York was one who specialized in GID (Gender Identity Disorder). Since I moved to Michigan, I've been unable to see a GID therapist. I wish I could see the therapist I had in New York, maybe by webcam or something. Heh.

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