[ Se7en - One More Time ]
hello my loves!
It has definitely been a long time! I know... I went MIA, but if you guys follow me on twitter; you already know whats been going on. Yes! I had Illiana already. She was:

Name: Illiana Eva Gomez
(Due Date: 1/18/2011)
Born: 1/19/2011
Time: 12:25 pm
Weight: 7.2 lbs
Length: 19 3/4 in.
Ethnicity: Chinese/Guatemalan
Here is me at 40 Weeks! on my birthday to be exact 1/12/2011 Just 7 days before she came to meet us! C:

She's beautiful, I can see her features coming in day by day (: I couldn't have asked for more, she IS perfect, she is everything I ever wanted. But then again who doesn't say that about their baby? lol. Ya'll prolly heard that a bajillion times before, but it's true; they ARE perfect through their mama's eyes even down to the last crinkle on their nose :D Yanno, after this blessing experience it really opens up my eyes to what MATTERS MOST in life. How you may think oh you got a new whip u're HAPPY, but really you wont experience TRUE REAL happiness until you see you had brought another life to this world; it's a beautiful thang man. GAWD, I LOVE HER! Even tho it is hard, but what isn't in life?? I'd do anything for her. Me & Juls are extremely happy and sometimes we just take a moment and take it all in again. That, THIS, is REAL; how much we are in love with each other and from that we had created a beautiful baby girl. I can see both our features in her, she has my eyes (asian almond shaped eyes), my dimples, has her father's nose, my cupid's bow, and BOTH OUR LIPS. *sighs happily*... So any who, besides that; I am currently back at my mother's for the 1st month of Illi. Because it is a Chinese tradition that the first month of any child, the mother has to rest and gain all her energy and nutrients back. It's what we call "Chaw Yooht", where the mom (my mom) makes me this Alcohol-Ginger/Chicken soup to help me produce more breast milk for the baby; and this Ginger/Chicken & Rice dish to gain my nutrients back that I had lost after giving birth. You might wonder, "IS THIS ALL THAT YOU CAN EAT EVA???" and the answer is "YES"... sadly, yes ): this is all that I am allowed to eat for this ENTIRE month! I know, torture; the first week was okay. Not too bad, but now I am going crazy eating the same crap over and over. eugh... so tiring. NOT ONLY that, but I am NOT allowed to shower for the ENTIRE MONTH. You may be thinking "EWWW", I know right; imagine having to go thru that. The longest I ever been without a shower was 5 days and that was when I was a naive little child who was just damn lazy. But not its like eugh... torture! We are not allowed to get wet (including our hair) nor have any sort of wind hit us. Iono whatsup with that, I guess its so we wont get sick? We gotta drench in our soil for a month..."yay -_-" But thank god there is DRY SHAMPOO! Hallelujah! So that helped a little, good thing I dont 'stank' that easily. lol. Juls said surprisingly I don't stink yet. GEE HONEY, THANKS! I guess... lol. And ON TOP of all of that, I am NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE THE PREMISES; but people CAN visit tho. I can't leave because there's "WIND" out and "TOO MUCH LIGHT", iono... People and their traditions. But if it's good for the baby I'll do it. And I AM producing a little more milk at least =] so I guess it is working. So yea, that is the update with me; I am a prisoner with a baby. It gets pretty boring, so I think I'mma start blogging more on here for this month. So much spare time! Yippeeeee! Alright I g2g loves! Illi is waking up from her nap, gotta go feed and change her! Hope all of you are doing well! Toodles for now! *deuces*

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