Funny Video Friday: Turtle Fence

I found this video a few months back, while looking through the Auto-Tune the News channel on YouTube. For those who are not familiar with them, they created the Antoine Dodson Bed Intruder song and video. (Click the link if you've been living under your bed for the past half year and don't know what that is.) Well, they did a whole bunch of these songs (and videos). They use an Auto-Tune to make the people on the news "sing." Add some music, and go to town with video editing.

This one is called "Turtles," but I like to call it "Turtle Fence," since that's exactly what it is about. Those who know me (or know of me through this blog) are aware that my family and I moved from Michigan to Arizona last June. Now here we have a congressman from Michigan talking about turtle fences, and how they are used to keep turtles from being hit by cars. Somehow "the same thing's going to happen to health care." Huh? Anyway, he's talking to a congressman from Arizona, who then says that "we need a rattlesnake fence." Ha ha! So we've moved 2000 miles away, going from turtles to rattlesnakes. I'd much prefer turtles, but hey... that's what you get for living in the desert.

Enough of my blabbering. In my opinion, the Auto-Tune the News shows are hit or miss. This one is definitely a hit. It gets stuck in my head for days. I hope you'll like it too.

"How shall we protect ourselves?"
"You shall build a turtle fence!"

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