Goodbye, New York... and... Grrrrr! (Blast From the Past Entry)

Yes, I haven't done a "blast from the past" in awhile. One might've thought that I'd run out of entries. Well, almost, and sort of. I only have one more MySpace entry after this one, but I've found a bunch of old looseleaf paper diary ones. Ones that I thought were missing forever. You see, I had typed them up into Word many years ago, thew away the original handwritten pages, and then forgot I ever did so. Ha! That's me for you.

Anyway, this entry is actually two in one. This was written less than a week before we left for Michigan. It's ironic, being reposted on the eve of our move to Arizona. I hope things will work out better than Michigan did! I'm reading back what I wrote, and I see that I had no idea what I was in for. So let's say I'm cautiously optimistic at this point. These entries also perfectly illustrate how crazy things were for Nikki and the kids back then. Thank goodness things are much more stable now. You'll see what I mean...

Monday, August 06, 2007
Goodbye, New York

Current mood: sick

Okay, I'm currently knocking on wood that Nikki's custody case goes well today. The odds are in her favor (okay, knocking on wood again!). If everything goes the way we want it to, we'll be leaving tomorrow afternoon for Michigan! Things didn't go the way we expected money-wise, so we can't get a U-Haul truck (or similar) just yet. $800 is quite an expense. We'll have to cram as much as we can into my car (which is just the trunk... we'll have two kids and a baby in the back seat). We will keep our things in storage like they have been, and save up for a truck.

I've come down with some sort of malady of late (okay, maybe I've been reading a lot of DragonLance, okay?). I'm not stuffed-up, I don't have a sore throat, I'm not nauseous (at least not yet)... I just ache all over. And I'm weak. I'm not looking forward to this 12-hour drive, even if Nikki and I will be swapping spots at the wheel. This is the third day I've been feeling like this, with no other symptoms. It makes me worry. What if I'm coming down with mono? Ugh.

I'm so excited to be leaving though! Away from my parents and Nikki's in-law's. We can finally make our own rules and to hell with them if they don't like it! (Can you tell I'm fed up with the way things have been going for... oh, the past half year?) The negative side of this is that I'll miss my friends. I have one friend who's decided to cut all contact with me. I'm not sure why this is, but I have a few ideas. It makes me sad though. There were a handful of others that I meant to get together with before I left, but money or time (or both!) just wouldn't permit. But I will be back to New York. After all, my stuff is here!

But this is farewell to New York. Farewell to Long Island. Farewell to my network tech job and farewell to my alarm company side job. Farewell to my friends... for now. Farewell to my family, unless they want to speak to me after knowing my "alternative lifestyle." Hello to my new life! I welcome it with open arms.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Current mood: sick

I spoke too soon. The court date has been postponed until Friday! My poor sweetheart has to go through this shit over and over again. This judge has to make a decision. How much longer can we wait in limbo like this? We have an apartment we don't live in, Nikki has a car she doesn't drive... and our kids are ready to go to Michigan. I heard her on the phone. Nikki said it's delayed until Friday, and I hear one of the girls in the background ask her, "Are we going to Michigan tomorrow?"

We're stuck here until the end of the week... at least. I already had my mail forwarded. I want out of here. I want them to stop bossing around my sweetie. I want the stress on her to end. I want us to get on with our lives. I want out of here!!!
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