Here's another entry from my short-lived diary, which was written on separate pieces of looseleaf paper. It's a wonder they didn't get separated. I don't have many pictures from this little get-together, so I'm also including some from a FemmeFever Christmas party at Karen's house (Karen is the one who runs FemmeFever). The ones with me in the green dress were from the Christmas party. Read on...
December 31st, 2002

Somehow I managed to get off of work on New Years Eve. The first thing that popped into my head was: Gotta ring in the New Year as Amy! First I sent out an email to my friends in FemmeFever (Michelle, Heather, Anna, Terri, Carrie, Lilly, Nancy, and our "leader," Karen). I had to call Carmen and Chrissy since they weren't online for the time being. Then I put out a group email to the rest of the FemmeFever members. I got a few "maybe's," but in the end, the group consisted of Camen, Dee, Nancy, and Chrissy. Eileen, a girl who I had met at the "Father Jerry" photo shoot, and two who I had never met, Debbie and Janine LeClaire, also said they would be there, but I never saw them. The venue was Honey's in Bayport, which I had never been to.
Vanessa wasn't coming because she ddn't feel well, but I still came over to exchange Christmas gifts. She also let me change and get ready at her house. Vanessa got me two articles of clothing for my "Amy side." Not anything very feminine, but very nice! Nautica and Tommy Hilfiger nice. She also got me a Lancome Juicy Tube, which is very expensive, yet worth every penny even if I had been buying it myself. I also got a CD from Vanessa's mother, and another CD from Greg, Vanessa's brother. They were both Paul Oakenfold CD's. Awesome music!
Anyway, as far as getting ready is concerned, between having a stomache-ache ad my wig being knotted beyond belief, I ended up running late. I found Honey's with no problem, and arrived at 9:30 PM, a half an hour late. The cover charge was $15, which was a bit steep. I checked my coat, but they wouldn't take my pocketbook, so I put that back in my car.
I almost forgot to mention my outfit. I wore a black, almost see-through blouse with flared long sleeves, and a blue imitation leather skirt. My legs were bare this time, and I wore my trusty white open-toe heels. Luckily, the skirt had two little pockets in front to put my keys in and a few bucks in. I ordered my first gin and tonic (one out of five that night), and immediately met two other crossdressers there, Beverly (tall and pretty!) and Christine (dark-haired and quiet). I thought they might've been Janine or Debbie, since I hadn't met either of them, but nope. I was wondering where Carmen and Nancy were, as Carmen was supposed to be picking up Nancy at a nearby train station before 9 PM. Then I spotted Nancy. They were sitting in a back room which I hadn't even noticed. I figured the place was going to be like Luxe, from the others in FemmeFever talking about the loud music, and I was preparing myself to be screaming in people's ears all night. In that back room, however, you can actually hold a conversation.
I sat down at their table, and soon Dee showed up. I hadn't even had much to eat before going to Honey's, so after just one drink I was feeling a little tipsy. I danced with Carmen for a bit, and we both had a good time. Then... when I went out to look to see if any of the other girls had shown up (Chrissy was one of them at the time), this sleazy-looking guy came up to me and said I was a good dancer! Ha ha! I have very little rhythm, so I said, "Uh huh, sure I am." He wanted to dance, and I wasn't sure, because he seemed pretty strange looking. However, I was a bit drunk, so after a second or two of thought, I said, "Okay." Now let me describe this guy: Leather vest and pants, weird black hat pulled down low, long scraggly curly black hair, so kind of like Slash from Guns N' Roses. (Nancy later described him as an S&M Gorton's Fisherman, which had my laughing hysterically!)
So we were dancing, and he's saying things like, "I love your eyes," "I love your hair," "You're very sexy," etc., etc. All the while he's looking me up and down with this toothy grin. Two different things were going on in my had here: 1) Oh, he's so sleazy. Is he going to try a move on me? Please, no! What is he going to do? and 2) Wow, I've never gotten compliments before, and dressed as a woman too! So while I admit that I did like the attention, I wished it was coming from someone else! I introduced him to Carmen, who was also dancing, and we danced as a group for all of two minutes. I was hoping he would rub off on Carmen, but he was stuck to me like glue. Gah, I know, I'm horrible! Carmen left the dance floor for a few minutes, then came back by herself, ha ha!
They were playing a lot of good music, so I danced for a few songs, then I told him (his name was John, but he wanted me to call him "Cat") that I was going to sit down and rest for a bit. He followed me, and I introduced him to Nancy and Dee. Then he wanted to buy me a drink. Okay, no problem there, since this would be my fourth drink. (And yes, he didn't give it to me, the drink server did.) Dee made me laugh, because when I said that he wasn't my type, she said, "I don't think he's anybody's type."
Cat seemed to become somewhat interested in Nancy, so I was feeling a bit of relief. He never totally "forgot" about me though. He did caress my leg a little later on, and I was just let him do it. Yes, I was drunk. I was also feeling a mixture of excitement and revulsion. It was rather strange for me, actually.
Besides all that nonsense, the other girls and I did talk quite a bit. Dee went to the same hair removal specialist that I'll be going to, Barbara Ruggiero. Her husband is a doctor, and she works out of his office, doing laser hair removal. My first appointment is on Monday, January 6th. Dee highly recommended her.
We counted down the to the New Year, and I was on the dance floor, of course. Afterwards, this GG (genetic girl) named Michelle came to our table and was complimenting us all on our outfitsm makeup, jewelry, etc. Then she danced with Nancy, Carmen and I. While we were dancing, we were playing "volleyball" with the balloons they had there. It was a lot of fun until they made us stop. (Booooo!)
I should also note that Beverly knows Cat. They talked to each other as if they had already met. So I asked Beverly if she knew him. She said, "I don't give a shit about Cat." She then kissed me full on the lips, twice! (She was probably trying for more, but I'm just not ready for that.) So there you are, my first kiss from a transgendered woman. I'm still not sure if I liked it or not. I was surprised as hell when it happened! I did find out later on that they knew each other, and according to Cat, they had kissed at one point.
The continental breakfast (coffee, bagels and rolls) was served and soon atter that, it was closing time (4 AM). I said farewell to everyone and snuck away before Cat tried to kiss me goodbye or something. Most of the alcohol had worn off by that point, so I was okay to drive.. I drove to a nearby gas station, changed back into my male clothes, and went home. I actually stayed awake and played a computer game for an hour before going to sleep. Zzzzzz...
All in all, it was fun and exciting time! Everyone really liked me... some a bit too much! We plan to go again to Honey's on Saturday night. I can't wait!
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