At 4 am this morning, I had stopped at 7-11 (in guy mode) to get some taco sticks for myself (those things are yummy!), and coffee for two of my co-workers (I work the overnight shift). I saw a few black guys in the parking lot, but this is pretty normal. I got out my car and was heading for the front door. Suddenly, "Wham!" I actually thought I had run into something. I was hit so hard that I was in a daze. I turned to look, and I saw a very tall black man cursing and screaming at me. All I could think to do is say, "Why?" But I was so out of it at the time, I don't know if I said it loud enough for anyone to hear. He seemed to be walking away from me, so I got back in my car (walking, not running, so as not to get his attention), locked the door, and started it. I started backing out, and as I was doing so, he ran up and tried to open the door. Good thing I locked it! He kicked the door when he found he couldn't get in. I left and went back to my job. I returned with the security guard on duty, so we could identify him to the police, but he and his friends had already left. I don't know why he hit me. Either he thought I was someone else, he was high on something, or he just said, "I'm going to hit the next white guy I see. Oh, there's one now!" People like this make others look bad. It's always the few bad apples that have to ruin it for everyone else.

Vanessa and I
We had a nice dinner and gabbed quite a bit. I had pasta with shrimp, crabmeat and scallops. Deeeelicious! They give you a lot too. I made two more meals out of it at home. After eating, we all caravanned over to Honey's, which was only 1.5 miles away.
This turned out to be the biggest turnout so far, with 11 girls, including myself. The roll call: me, Dee, Andi, Cecile, Michelle (her first time out since December, and she's Cecile's girlfriend, and yes she made it after all), Chrissy, Andrea, Carmen, Vanessa (my genetic girl ex-girlfriend... I finally got her to join us again), Arianna (new girl... I love that name!), and Lorna. Lorna was quite a pleasant surprise. I had heard a lot about her from the other girls, and I saw her photos all over the FemmeFever group site. She was just as cute and nice as I had heard, and extremely passable.
Me, Andi and Lorna
It was at Honey's that I started getting a headache from my wig. It was putting pressure on where I was hit. It was that soft spot at the temple. A few aspirins fixed that, though. I was a little disappointed that nobody wanted to dance. Out of 11 girls, only Carmen, Vanessa and I danced. Oh well. I requested the song, "Beautiful' by Christina Aguilera, and I dedicated it to all the girls there. I think it's the perfect song for us t-girls. We're beautiful and nobody can bring us down. I took a bunch of photos and sent them out. Vanessa and I consoled Carmen, as she was a little upset that nobody seemed to be talking to her. But then, she wasn't talking to anybody either. I'm glad I'm finally conquering this shyness thing at 32. Carmen is 57 and it's ruling her life.

I had to include this wacky photo: Vanessa making a crazy face, Cecile looking at her, and Michelle trying for a serious model look. Ha ha!
I'll tag on my hair removal session to this entry, since it was only two days later. This was my second session. It still hurt like the dickens (does anybody say that anymore?), but there was a little less pain than the first time. The first time, the neck was what hurt the most. Since the neck is missing a lot of hair, this time it was the chin that hurt the most. Barbara Ruggiero (the nurse who does the procedure) also did a patch test on a small section of my birthmark, since I want that done also. It turned to my regular skin color after the laser hit it, then it came back colored brown a few minutes later. Barbara told me that this was due to the veins coagulating. Port wine stains like I have, are caused by tiny veins that feed blood continually into the skin. So with any luck, the brown will fade away, and the birthmark will either be less red, or completely gone... regular skin! I definitely hope so.
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