so happy Martin Luther King day guys! no class today =) hehe. but n e hu, PARENTS are officially GON'! time to PARTY!!!!???? lol.
but nah on the reals tho, i miss thee parentals already, we're that type of family that we dont go no where cuz we too "poor" so thats all we hear from our parents. so its a pretty big deal my parents gon' to have fun for TWO MONTHS! insaaaaaane. but i'll try my best to BEHAVE, and let my parents have their fun. imma have to figure out a way to get flicks on here sense i dont have the camera. i might just have to use MY camera, but im afraid of dropping it cuz its my REAL NIKON. i havent gotten a chance to copp' a casing yet. but for now, i will have to postpone all the requests on youtuuuuube. n e hu, imma go to bed now. kinna cold not being under covers. i'll blog next time! g'night!

- loveva
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