**This is a lot of information and I apologize if you're not ready for it.
1. I've been feeling under the weather lately. I'm not going to go into all of my ailments (of which there are plenty) but I will let you know that I've had a killer runny nose for three days now. So, for the TMI: Last night I woke up in the middle of the night with something running down my cheek. I swiped at it. Looked at my hand, saw that it was dark, and figured I woke up with a bloody nose. This should alarm you. It did me. Who wakes up in the middle of the night with a bloody nose? Isn't that what happens to really, really sick people? Actually it was just my runny nose and somewhere in waking myself up for my runny nose I busted my lip open. Yup, I'm pretty cool.
2. As part of my 30 before 30 I decided I wanted to become a certified yoga teacher. I have applied to a studio near my home and classes begin (if I'm accepted) on April 14. This is actually pretty cool. I'll be able to cross something off my list. I'll be able to do yoga and make some money doing it! I get free classes all summer long at this studio (if I'm accepted)! Sweet, right? Then why am I a little nervous to do it?
3. I have been applying for Summer jobs for back home once the season is over and I've also been applying for "real" jobs. Just in case. When I apply for a "real" job I only choose the ones in places that I would like to live. Maybe this is bad, and I should apply to everything just to broaden my capability of finding something, but what is the point of applying for a "real" job in a dump place when one day Matt and I could have to make a decision between my work and his work? But yes, I totally want to work from home and teach yoga at the same time. Is that too much to ask?
4. The hockey season could be over soon. There. I said it. I'll have more details on Monday...depending on what happens.
5. I absolutely think it's brutal that Picnik is going bye-bye in April. Who's shutting it down? Why are you shutting it down? I need to edit my pictures. I am just not that adept with Photoshop and Picnik is way easier and quicker anyway.
6. I'm pretty good at making cheeseburgers. I better be if it's my fav food. Usually we stuff them with a few things, put some spices in the meat, sometimes mix some onions and cheese right in there with it too. My favorite, probably goat cheese mixed in. Last summer I even made a homemade mango barbecue sauce and soaked the beef in that for a bit before grilling them up. Omelets and burgers are my forte. Why am I telling you this? Because we're having burgers for dinner tonight ... and I totally put maple syrup in them.
7. My husband is seeing my friends husband behind my back. They had a cappuccino date tonight before practice. No wonder he left early... {I know this because I just turned on the iPad and it beeped that there was a Skype message. It showed up at the top of the screen exactly what was said. I wasn't snooping I swear!!}
8. Right now on eBay I'm watching three Burberry wallets, one Louis Vuitton wallet, a burberry bag, and then this random coat that I can't remember where it came from. There's also a burnt orange shirt with a fox in a fedora on there. Then after typing those two sentences I spent about five more minutes browsing eBay before coming back to type this one.
9. There is a girl I'm following on Pinterest who only pins pictures of hot girls. With unreal bodies. I mean this in a strictly fitness, workout, healthy type of way. They're in unbelievable shape. These usually link to a workout of some sort, or a blog that can usually be categorized as "fitspo", but I'm not sure what to think of all these pictures of girls. Maybe she's a very visual person and needs constant affirmation that what she's doing will get her the body she's working towards. Maybe she likes girls.
10. Matt and I were talking the other day about how awesome this Summer will be because we're not planning a wedding. It sucked and I'm never doing it again. Yay for being married already. There's no one here to high five.
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