greetings kids,
so... how is everybody's weekend going so far? well mine is alright, not much been going on besides thee parentals had FINALLY came home! (: its like a sweet and sour event yanno? i missed them muchos dont get me wrong, but now i gotta do shit THEIR way since it is THEIR house, namean? but n e hu... so the passed two days my sleeping schedule has been fcuked up, like to the extreme. i be going to sleep at 8am and wakin at 4pm and again right now is like 7:47am and im still awake O_O!? When i SHOULD be sleeping, but then again i have my homie Omarnsterr over and thee babesterr sleeping in my bed, they had taken over mee bed; im sitting at the end of the bed as we speak. -_-* but its koo, i aint really sleepy no more. last night thee boyfeen and i had stayed over Omarnsterr's place so i guess today is my turn, lol! but its fun. we bout to room hop i guess. hehe. so here are couple pics for the passed week and weekend, prepare for the randomness.
here are some flicks of thee boyfeen and i at this Peruvian restaurant we went to for lunch on ST. PATRICK'S day (and we werent even aware it was st. patty's neither that day *hence the NO GREEN* lol). i had the chicken stew with rice, hard boiled egg, walnuts; amazing how they made it yellow, it was pretty crackin too :D As for thee boyfeen he had the half smoked chicken, salad, and fries.

now here is my buddy kevinito up in a tree like a monkey & his car (he was makin monkey sounds as well, no one even noticed he was up there, lmfao)

this here is thee boyfeen K'Oed at Omarnsterr's place and he's just pretending to be me by rubbin up on him. (lol)

dont they look VERY much IN LOVE?? hahah.... with the intimate lovely red sheets. they're all wrapped up in it like sleeping bags. too cute!!!! (8
but n e hu, until next time! have a good saturday guys!!!! *PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST*
so... how is everybody's weekend going so far? well mine is alright, not much been going on besides thee parentals had FINALLY came home! (: its like a sweet and sour event yanno? i missed them muchos dont get me wrong, but now i gotta do shit THEIR way since it is THEIR house, namean? but n e hu... so the passed two days my sleeping schedule has been fcuked up, like to the extreme. i be going to sleep at 8am and wakin at 4pm and again right now is like 7:47am and im still awake O_O!? When i SHOULD be sleeping, but then again i have my homie Omarnsterr over and thee babesterr sleeping in my bed, they had taken over mee bed; im sitting at the end of the bed as we speak. -_-* but its koo, i aint really sleepy no more. last night thee boyfeen and i had stayed over Omarnsterr's place so i guess today is my turn, lol! but its fun. we bout to room hop i guess. hehe. so here are couple pics for the passed week and weekend, prepare for the randomness.
here are some flicks of thee boyfeen and i at this Peruvian restaurant we went to for lunch on ST. PATRICK'S day (and we werent even aware it was st. patty's neither that day *hence the NO GREEN* lol). i had the chicken stew with rice, hard boiled egg, walnuts; amazing how they made it yellow, it was pretty crackin too :D As for thee boyfeen he had the half smoked chicken, salad, and fries.

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