[ Brandy - Right Here (departed) ]
ayo mayo!
so its like 5:52am and i had pulled an all nighter you can say. thee boyfeen went out to the Rancheria (Jacksons Casino to be exact) with his boys. so i wished him fun and much winnings (: even tho we both have class today at like 10, me, 11. lol. oh wells. so n e hu, back to the topic yo; thanks to my homie galpal NATNAT had tagged....i mean awarded me with this awesome fun award! how nice of her riiight? misguided??? i think so! haha. im jp girl! love ya mucho lots! well here goes nothin.
ayo mayo!
so its like 5:52am and i had pulled an all nighter you can say. thee boyfeen went out to the Rancheria (Jacksons Casino to be exact) with his boys. so i wished him fun and much winnings (: even tho we both have class today at like 10, me, 11. lol. oh wells. so n e hu, back to the topic yo; thanks to my homie galpal NATNAT had tagged....i mean awarded me with this awesome fun award! how nice of her riiight? misguided??? i think so! haha. im jp girl! love ya mucho lots! well here goes nothin.
“This award is bestowed upon a fellow blogger whose blog content or design is, in the giver’s opinion, brilliant."

“When accepting this auspicious award, you must write a post bragging about it, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim, and link back to the said person so everyone knows she/he is real. Choose a minimum of seven (7) blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or improvise by including bloggers who have no idea who you are because you don’t have seven friends. Show the seven random victims’ names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with Honest Weblog. Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon. List at least ten (10) honest things about yourself. Then pass it on!”
The rules:
1.When you receive this award, show that you're happy to the giver.
2.Nominate at least 5 blogs, that you think rocks.
3.Let them know about award in their post.
4.Now blog like you've never blogged before
10 HONEST facts about yours truly:
01. I may have a slight case of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), but hey! who doesnt right? to prove this i have couple of embarassing things that bug the EYE crap outta me. ONE when i drink out of paper 'to-go' cups (esp. starbucks), well yanno when the cup has a lid? and notice the cup as a line down it...well i have to LINE that LINE with the SIP OPENING of my cap/lip -_-* (if u're lost i will show u an image of this event soon!) and even worse cases when the cup comes with a SLEEVE, u know for damn sure i gotta line that shit with everything as well (my boyfriend thinks im super weird with this). but he has gotten use to the passed 3 years that BEFORE he gives me the cup he had already aligned everythang for me! yes! he loves me! lol. SECOND, yanno on music stereos, car stereos, tv volume; well... if they have a NUMBER scale for the volume, then its all bad. i HAVE TO HAVE IT ON A EVEN NUMBER no matter, oh yea this includes temperature (AC/HEATER) so it pretty sucks when my music may just be a ONE NUMBER too low/high same for my ac/heater T_T i cant do n e thing about it. not only an even number but also there CAN NOT be a '4' in it!!! its a superstitious thing cuz chinese ppl are superstitious and i guess it rubbed off on me cuz '4' in chinese is 'die' +_+! so those are my TOP 2! if u see me with a to-go cup thats paper with a LINE guarantee that shit is ALIGNED with my lid! no doubt.
02. I like eating hot cheetos with cream cheese when they are TOO spicy
03. I named my pomeranian Gizmo, cuz i was day dreaming about Jimmy Nuitron when i first got him. real talk no joke.
04. I drive a 2003 Acura - TL 3.2 TYPE-S, black on black, spoiler, dual exhaust (: hells yea baby.
05. I was the biggest tom boy back in the days, believe it or not. im like a boy at heart, so guys get SURPRISE when they see how down to earth i am when i look all made up when they already got the thot of me being a total stuck up bitch drilled into their minds when they first meet me. im pretty crackin (funny) when u actually get to know me, all brags aside cuz if i was braggin then im 'THE BEST OF THE BEST OF YO WORLD FOOLIO! THE ONLY KNOWLEDGE YOU'LL HAVE IS OF MY FUN ASS' but it was all brags aside so im pretty koo =] i breathe for the life of art whether its makeup or my photography perspective of this beautiful world thats gettin pwned by fcukfaces hu just dont give a fcuk.
06. Im the worse chinese represented girl ever, why? you may ask. because i will get SLAUGHTERED in the game of chinese wiz world (this is not an ACTUAL game, so DONT go out looking for it guys).
07. I LOVE COUNTERSTRIKE and always will!!!! my fcukin laptop dont have it, but i LOVE IT! i wanna playyy!!! my username was always "fairytales112", had i ever pwned you yet? (:<
08. My boyfriend is Guatemalan, not fcukin mexican/puerto rican/el salvadorian/philippino/black/samoan/hawaiian. he's LATINO, yes! Guatemalan to be exact! GOOGLE IT! he's 3 months younger than me, 2&half inches taller than me, bout 5 shades darker than me, and bout 4 shoes size bigger.
09. Yes, i DO listen to chinese music! now stop asking! yes, i speak it! yes, i understand it! CANTONESE&TOISAN! now quit poking me with that giant stick already.
10. Im a downlow SHOE FEEEEEEN/HEAD >:D i love my DUNK'N'JORDANS
here are the WINNERS in my heart
(when she gets off lent)
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