[ Jeff - Insomnia ]
greetings yo,
so today; i just got somethin to share with ya'll. Esp. the Smokers out here (im not one btw). but i thot hey, if u can't quit; why not just minorize the consumtion of this nicotine?? BEHOLD! the mighty E-CIGARETTE. ya'll prolly thinking, wtf is an E-cigarette? what does it sound like?? well, yes; IT IS wut it sounds. an Electronic Cigarette a.k.a E-Cigarette. here are a few fun facts of this great invention. u know how there are hella places now a days that have gotten more and more strict bout cigarette smoking, as in, airplanes, libraries, most restaurants, public transportation, HEY! u can barely even smoke in the hallways in Vegas n e more; only allowed at the tables now-a-days. well... check this out,
"When you inhale on an e-cigarette, the end "lights up" (glows) just like a real cigarette. However, instead of inhaling tar and the other gunk that helps clog up our lungs and arteries, you only inhale a vapour which contains nicotine."
The e-cig tastes, feels and looks like a normal cigarette. Well, almost - some of our customers believe it actually tastes better!
Please note that we do not claim this is a healthy cigarette. It still contains nicotine, which is a harmful and addictive substance. However, many other nasty substances such as arsenic and formaldehyde have been removed from the cigarette. "And that's not the only benefit. It is far cheaper to "smoke" than the equivalent. The cigarette is also odour free, meaning that you can escape from the clinging smell of your cigarettes. You can smoke the e-cigarette in public, so no more shivering outside the office or the bar for a smoke. And perhaps most importantly, the electronic cigarette is not harmful to others around you."
this is some CRAZYYY ass shit huh?? see wut it comes with...One pack contains:
- a mini electronic cigarette: The DSE103 or the new Ecis
- an atomiser
- spare battery
- charger with power line or USB charger (outside Europe)
- power line
- five atomized cartridges
- manual
- support
The product actually originated in China & been making their way round the globe since then. They are currently available in both China and the UK, and can still be obtained in America. Supplies may be short lived in America, as the government are planning to give official FDA approval to home manufactured cigarettes that are forecast to kill 1/3 smokers while banning the alternatives that remove 90 - 99% of the risk of smoking. so u see, smoking is bad kids, BUTTTT if u can't quit; that doesnt mean u can't try to minimize the crap that's going in yo body from the gunk thats in a AUTHENTIC cigarette, if curious; they also got an E-Cigar as well. pretty much the same idea but with Cigars. but n e hu, until the next blog! *deuce deuce*
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