or shall i say Good Morning Saaaan Fraaaanciscoooooo. lol. jp. but n e hu, yea; im still up >.<* i had a Vietnamese iced coffee round 3:30am down at San Jose at Lee's Noodle House. so this is the result... blahhh. i just thot i post up my look i did, well actually i've been wearin all the damn time, cuz its such an easy ass look. lol. shockingly this semi-smokey brown look is done with a palette i bought at the DOLLAR TREE meaning i only bought it for a whopping ONE DOLLAR!!! 8O i know right?? who says u cant look good with cheap makeup?? pshhh... L.A. Colors is a pretty good brand, i personally like it :) i give it a *THUMBS UP*! ^.^maybe i should purchase some extras for future contest[s] for my lovely subbies/bloggers, and hey! i should just get a shit load for back up as well for my DAMN SELF, they got other colors too!!! shiiiiet. i shall check it out sometime soon! *nods* yes, mhrmmm. soon. if only they have n e more left at the Dollar Tree that is. but n e hu, here are a few flicks of the look.
- Scandalous Base
- L.A. Colors neutral/brown palette
- Mac Carbon e/s
- Daiso Falsies #7
- Maybelline Colossal Mascara
- Maybelline Great Lash Clear (eyebrows)
- Nyx Dark Brown e/s (eyebrows)
- Mac Solar Riche Bronzer
- Revlon Cream Blush (name n/a)
- Victoria Secret Blush ( " " )
- Natural Ice Chapstick in Cherry
- Mac Sunsational l/s
feel free to check out the tutorial HERE. n e hu, imma go to bed now, i need SOME KIND of sleep at least. *DEUCE DEUCE*
- Scandalous Base
- L.A. Colors neutral/brown palette
- Mac Carbon e/s
- Daiso Falsies #7
- Maybelline Colossal Mascara
- Maybelline Great Lash Clear (eyebrows)
- Nyx Dark Brown e/s (eyebrows)
- Mac Solar Riche Bronzer
- Revlon Cream Blush (name n/a)
- Victoria Secret Blush ( " " )
- Natural Ice Chapstick in Cherry
- Mac Sunsational l/s
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