RECAP_ 042509<3
thee boyfeeeen's 20th birthday (why yes, he IS 3 & half months YOUNGER than me, how nice of u to notice -_-* ). so wut happened was i planned a SURPRISE DINNER at OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE right next to KOI PALACE with all of his close friends (who made it that is), and surprisingly i SUCK BALLS when it comes to surprising ppl. like i tend to give in to the URGE, and TELL. lol. but i TOUGHED IT OUT and held my composure for 2 WHOLE WEEKS! yea i know right?!?! im PROUD of my damn self. shooooot. lol. i sent out invites to his CLOSE homies and txted the rest of the peeps :P so to break it down, throughout the DAYTIME of his birthday me&him didnt do n e thing but really chill and run couple errands. went to DAISO to pick up a tissue box cover for mee CARro (cuz i offered to drive him all around all day since its his bday), i got him some japanese sugar candy that HE PICKED OUT himself, and i got him a pack of azn gumballs that i use to eat since CHILDHOOD. i grew up eatting those and he had NEVER HAD'EM, so i wanted to share the memories with him and got it for him to try,

ya'll know what im talkin bout?? those are thee shiiiit! haha. hella sweet. i love'em even tho they're kinna too sweet for me now since im older. and surprisingly thee manbaby loves it too! even tho he dont like very sweet things. besides the gum, we also got some YAN-YANS (ya'll member those at least, riiight?!?!) i got strawberry and he got chocolate. 

we started being silly with reading the animals and quotes on the stcks =P hehe. then we chilled in... 

my car for a bit and afterwards we had a SNACK BRUNCH at L&L Hawaiian Drive-In (yummmm); we shared a large BBQ Chicken ^.^ we didnt wanna fill up since we have dinner at Outback for dinner. i told him that i wanna treat him to dinner for his bday. i got him about 6 gifts (8
1) iphone cover/clippy thingy for their belts (for some reason its REALLY in for the boys now-a-days)
2) SF Giants Long-Sleeve Thermal (cuz he always complain he's cold but dont like wearing alot) :]
3) a V-Neck LRG tee
4) a white tee stating "I GOT MORE KICKS THAN CHUN-LI" (with an image of chun-li)
5) a tee stating "u RUN NADA"
6) and lastly a tee "WE RUN THE BAY" (instead of the words "run" theres an image of peeps runnin')
if i can, i'll try to take a quick snap of those gifties i got him. of him WEARING it. how bout that? hehe. so.... like 1 week BEFORE his actual birthday i gave him the Chun-Li t-shirt and his iphone cover. i told him "here is the FIRST part of your gift(S)". he was like "O_O! gift(S)?!?! no no no, this is enough babe, why are you spending so much?!? u better not get me anything else! or imma get mad!" (of course he's just being his polite self, but knowing him i know he can't wait to see wut else i got stahed for him. lol. so back to his bday, after we ate brunch we went back to his place to chill. he thot dinner was just ME&HIM alone, cuz i told him IT'LL JUST BE US TWO. cuz every year we celebrate with friends and never ALONE. so he was kinda in shock, but thot i was well worth the time to be alone and celebrate it with me (: but for all he knows i have everyone set and ready for him! >:D muahahaha... but n e hu, back to thee story... so i told him we'll have dinner by 8ish and he was koo with it. cuz i had scheduled everybody to be at the steakhouse by 7:30pm! because a large party of 15 does take a minute to get seated. i specifically ordered everyone to PARK SOMEWHERE HIDDEN, because most of his homies got some nice rides dat are unique and STANDS THE FCUK OUT riiight, so i KNOW FOR DAMN SURE THEE MANBABY WILL SPOT THEM OUT NO DOUBT! lol. so everybody parked behind KOI PALACE (its a chinese/dim sum restaurant). so me & thee manbaby headed back to his place to chill and just relax and enjoy eachother's presence, but apparently when we got to his place his parentals needed a ride to thee airport cuz they headin out to Guatemala for a week for business over back home. And i come to find out their flight aint til 11pm! and they asked us to drop them off by 8:30pm-9pm!!!! i was like "O_O!" i was thinkin *FCUK!!! AHHHH!!!* majorrrr stresssssss at that moment, thee boyfeen was just like "oh.. ok. are u okay with that babe? we can either go eat dinner earlier like now or much later?" and it was like 6:30pm at that time, i thot with the quickness and was like "UMMM... I GUESS LATER IS FINE, IM GETTIN HUNGRY THO ...." (but i wasnt! i was just stressin balls!) he was like "OH. SORRY... I DIDNT KNOW THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. WE'LL JUST EAT LATER AFTER WE DROP THEM OFF THEN". so i hurried and hopped on my fone with the QUICKNESS and started txting like i never txted in my life >.<* started tossing out text msgs to EVERYBODY... saying "quick small change of plans!!! meet at Outback at 8:15pm!!! we will arrive around 8:50ish! emergency errand came up for his parentals!" and thankfully everyone texted back "ok!, coo!, np!" so that kinna relieved me a bit. thank god i had my homie Omarnsterr my 2nd hand man in this surprise, helped me put down the name and made sure everybody sat and stay seated as we arrive. so n e hu, it got closer and closer to being 8! i started to stress even harder... the manbaby was startin to drift off to a sleep as we were watching Fast&Furious 1 on tv. i told him, "ummmm i needa go home and change into some jeans; its gettin really chilly and these tights wont work for me. i'd be freezing later". he was just like "oh... ok." and i responded with "how bout i go home and change and then come back to get u to go dinner? while u drop off yo parents". i played it off pretty well huh? lol. he was like "hrmmm... sure. that seems like a good idea. i'll call u when im done dropping them off then." so i headed home and changed into some jeans (to go with my allyby of course), so it was like 8:18pm i call him to check on him. he tells me they're still packing... im like... fcuk... and at that time, his older sister was home. so when it hit 8:39pm, i just had no more options. so i grew some balls and txted his older sister "hi Noris, this is Eva. Juliano's friend, is it okay if you drop off your parents at the airport because i got a surprise dinner for Juliano with all his friends waiting right now at outback steakhouse, is that okay?" she texts back like 7 minutes later saying "i just told him 2 leave, u can call him now". i jumped with relief and headed out my door. started to smash over to his house at like 45mph the whole damn way X_X! i call him as i got close and told him im outside. he came out and said "lets go" i played it off like im clueless "i thot we gotta wait to drop off the parents? what are u doing??" he was like "oh. my sister is going to do it for me, she said her headache is gone now apparently". i was like "ohhh... is it? okay. lets go". so i started smashing LIGHTLY so it wont seem obvious im RUSHING. as i hopped on the freeway i was just talkin to him. making convo even tho in my head all i was thinking was if everyone all set and sat at the table. cuz when i was at home i had called Omarnsterr, he said everyone is pretty much here. but most of us had to run to the atm. but we'll be there! so i was just worrying. i txted him tell'in them we're on the way so they can all be ready. so i was just talkin to thee manbaby "oh... they better not be busy! im hella hungry... argh... wut time do they close tonight? i think 11 right?"...he was like "uhh.. iono. i think so. here let me check on my phone". so he started looking on the site but it didnt say. he asked me "babe... i feel like none of my friends really care its my birthday... no one really txted me happy birthday, and i called omar, he didnt pick up....i called rob, no response, kevin is working, alex not picking up. its like ONE day out of the WHOLE ENTIRE YEAR i ask them to BE HERE for me and they can't even DO THAT. i feel like shit right now. i know u're here for me but it just shows me what kind of friends i have ):" i felt soooo bad, i just wanted to tell him!!! but i held it in, it was the hardest thing i had ever done to let him suffer like that... but the next thing i knew he touched the phone number to them and started calling Outback!!!!! and i already got all his peeps there and the party was under "GOMEZ" (his last name, he always uses his last name when we go eat)... and he asked wut time they close they said 11.... then he goes and say "oh great! can we put down our name? party for 2. Gom.." i snatched the phone from him with the quickness even tho im on the freeway at like 85-90mph! and i just said "oh nvm. we're almost there. no need to put us down! thanks! bye" *click* hung up for him, he was like "wth. why'd u do that for?" i was like "its okay! we're basically here! we can just walk in". he was like "but then it'll take longer. im just lookin out for u cuz u're the starving one here"... i was like "its okay. i can wait 5-10 minutes" he was like ... "ok..?.... -_^" with that exact face! lol. i was thinking *crap... hope he doesnt know!* then i parked in the Outback lot, i made sure i didnt see no body's car around. which i didnt! *whew* so as we walked in, i didnt see the table right-a-way... so i was thinkin *fcuk, how am i suppose to play this shit off riiight?....* i was just like "umm.... party FOR GOMEZ" to the Hostess. she smiles and was like "oh! yea right that way" and puts her right arm out aiming to her right. i look over and see them all! but thee manbaby didnt notice yet, he just thot i put down our name Gomez, he was bout to sit; until i grabbed his hand and pulled him over towards the surprise table. he was like hella clueless like "wth are u doing?!? dont be rude! we have to wait babe! what u doing?!?!!!" (as he resisted a bit from me pulling him) then i pulled him closer he started to notice and was like "wut the.....O_O!!!!" i was like "SURPRISE!!!!" as everyone else yells out "SURPRISE!!!" as well.. lol... that was THE MOMENT i was waiting for. his reaction was PRICELE$$.
he smiled SO HARD like his face was turned into JOKER from batman almost! and he teared up with joy!!! that HELLA TOUCHED me. i was sooo happy for him. he felt like shit all day cuz he thot his friends didnt care it was his bday but to his SURPRISE! everyone was basically there! hahaha...... it was all worth it! so that was the surprise dinner. i gave the rest of the gifts to him when we hopped into my car after dinner. i gave him 2 boxes of gift first, then he was like "ooooo! :D" and then i went and grabbed the last 2 and gave it to him. he was like "=O! whats this?!?! baaaaaabe! u're so baaad! i thot that was it and this?!?! omg.....!!! imma have to for sure for sure TOP YOU when the holiday comes around!!!!" lol... but it was all WORTH IT for thee manbaby. just to see him so fcukin happy mang. it was all worth the stress and planning, and waiting!! alright this is BY FAR my longest blog. so im outty! *PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST*
thee boyfeeeen's 20th birthday (why yes, he IS 3 & half months YOUNGER than me, how nice of u to notice -_-* ). so wut happened was i planned a SURPRISE DINNER at OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE right next to KOI PALACE with all of his close friends (who made it that is), and surprisingly i SUCK BALLS when it comes to surprising ppl. like i tend to give in to the URGE, and TELL. lol. but i TOUGHED IT OUT and held my composure for 2 WHOLE WEEKS! yea i know right?!?! im PROUD of my damn self. shooooot. lol. i sent out invites to his CLOSE homies and txted the rest of the peeps :P so to break it down, throughout the DAYTIME of his birthday me&him didnt do n e thing but really chill and run couple errands. went to DAISO to pick up a tissue box cover for mee CARro (cuz i offered to drive him all around all day since its his bday), i got him some japanese sugar candy that HE PICKED OUT himself, and i got him a pack of azn gumballs that i use to eat since CHILDHOOD. i grew up eatting those and he had NEVER HAD'EM, so i wanted to share the memories with him and got it for him to try,
1) iphone cover/clippy thingy for their belts (for some reason its REALLY in for the boys now-a-days)
2) SF Giants Long-Sleeve Thermal (cuz he always complain he's cold but dont like wearing alot) :]
3) a V-Neck LRG tee
4) a white tee stating "I GOT MORE KICKS THAN CHUN-LI" (with an image of chun-li)
5) a tee stating "u RUN NADA"
6) and lastly a tee "WE RUN THE BAY" (instead of the words "run" theres an image of peeps runnin')
if i can, i'll try to take a quick snap of those gifties i got him. of him WEARING it. how bout that? hehe. so.... like 1 week BEFORE his actual birthday i gave him the Chun-Li t-shirt and his iphone cover. i told him "here is the FIRST part of your gift(S)". he was like "O_O! gift(S)?!?! no no no, this is enough babe, why are you spending so much?!? u better not get me anything else! or imma get mad!" (of course he's just being his polite self, but knowing him i know he can't wait to see wut else i got stahed for him. lol. so back to his bday, after we ate brunch we went back to his place to chill. he thot dinner was just ME&HIM alone, cuz i told him IT'LL JUST BE US TWO. cuz every year we celebrate with friends and never ALONE. so he was kinda in shock, but thot i was well worth the time to be alone and celebrate it with me (: but for all he knows i have everyone set and ready for him! >:D muahahaha... but n e hu, back to thee story... so i told him we'll have dinner by 8ish and he was koo with it. cuz i had scheduled everybody to be at the steakhouse by 7:30pm! because a large party of 15 does take a minute to get seated. i specifically ordered everyone to PARK SOMEWHERE HIDDEN, because most of his homies got some nice rides dat are unique and STANDS THE FCUK OUT riiight, so i KNOW FOR DAMN SURE THEE MANBABY WILL SPOT THEM OUT NO DOUBT! lol. so everybody parked behind KOI PALACE (its a chinese/dim sum restaurant). so me & thee manbaby headed back to his place to chill and just relax and enjoy eachother's presence, but apparently when we got to his place his parentals needed a ride to thee airport cuz they headin out to Guatemala for a week for business over back home. And i come to find out their flight aint til 11pm! and they asked us to drop them off by 8:30pm-9pm!!!! i was like "O_O!" i was thinkin *FCUK!!! AHHHH!!!* majorrrr stresssssss at that moment, thee boyfeen was just like "oh.. ok. are u okay with that babe? we can either go eat dinner earlier like now or much later?" and it was like 6:30pm at that time, i thot with the quickness and was like "UMMM... I GUESS LATER IS FINE, IM GETTIN HUNGRY THO ...." (but i wasnt! i was just stressin balls!) he was like "OH. SORRY... I DIDNT KNOW THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. WE'LL JUST EAT LATER AFTER WE DROP THEM OFF THEN". so i hurried and hopped on my fone with the QUICKNESS and started txting like i never txted in my life >.<* started tossing out text msgs to EVERYBODY... saying "quick small change of plans!!! meet at Outback at 8:15pm!!! we will arrive around 8:50ish! emergency errand came up for his parentals!" and thankfully everyone texted back "ok!, coo!, np!" so that kinna relieved me a bit. thank god i had my homie Omarnsterr my 2nd hand man in this surprise, helped me put down the name and made sure everybody sat and stay seated as we arrive. so n e hu, it got closer and closer to being 8! i started to stress even harder... the manbaby was startin to drift off to a sleep as we were watching Fast&Furious 1 on tv. i told him, "ummmm i needa go home and change into some jeans; its gettin really chilly and these tights wont work for me. i'd be freezing later". he was just like "oh... ok." and i responded with "how bout i go home and change and then come back to get u to go dinner? while u drop off yo parents". i played it off pretty well huh? lol. he was like "hrmmm... sure. that seems like a good idea. i'll call u when im done dropping them off then." so i headed home and changed into some jeans (to go with my allyby of course), so it was like 8:18pm i call him to check on him. he tells me they're still packing... im like... fcuk... and at that time, his older sister was home. so when it hit 8:39pm, i just had no more options. so i grew some balls and txted his older sister "hi Noris, this is Eva. Juliano's friend, is it okay if you drop off your parents at the airport because i got a surprise dinner for Juliano with all his friends waiting right now at outback steakhouse, is that okay?" she texts back like 7 minutes later saying "i just told him 2 leave, u can call him now". i jumped with relief and headed out my door. started to smash over to his house at like 45mph the whole damn way X_X! i call him as i got close and told him im outside. he came out and said "lets go" i played it off like im clueless "i thot we gotta wait to drop off the parents? what are u doing??" he was like "oh. my sister is going to do it for me, she said her headache is gone now apparently". i was like "ohhh... is it? okay. lets go". so i started smashing LIGHTLY so it wont seem obvious im RUSHING. as i hopped on the freeway i was just talkin to him. making convo even tho in my head all i was thinking was if everyone all set and sat at the table. cuz when i was at home i had called Omarnsterr, he said everyone is pretty much here. but most of us had to run to the atm. but we'll be there! so i was just worrying. i txted him tell'in them we're on the way so they can all be ready. so i was just talkin to thee manbaby "oh... they better not be busy! im hella hungry... argh... wut time do they close tonight? i think 11 right?"...he was like "uhh.. iono. i think so. here let me check on my phone". so he started looking on the site but it didnt say. he asked me "babe... i feel like none of my friends really care its my birthday... no one really txted me happy birthday, and i called omar, he didnt pick up....i called rob, no response, kevin is working, alex not picking up. its like ONE day out of the WHOLE ENTIRE YEAR i ask them to BE HERE for me and they can't even DO THAT. i feel like shit right now. i know u're here for me but it just shows me what kind of friends i have ):" i felt soooo bad, i just wanted to tell him!!! but i held it in, it was the hardest thing i had ever done to let him suffer like that... but the next thing i knew he touched the phone number to them and started calling Outback!!!!! and i already got all his peeps there and the party was under "GOMEZ" (his last name, he always uses his last name when we go eat)... and he asked wut time they close they said 11.... then he goes and say "oh great! can we put down our name? party for 2. Gom.." i snatched the phone from him with the quickness even tho im on the freeway at like 85-90mph! and i just said "oh nvm. we're almost there. no need to put us down! thanks! bye" *click* hung up for him, he was like "wth. why'd u do that for?" i was like "its okay! we're basically here! we can just walk in". he was like "but then it'll take longer. im just lookin out for u cuz u're the starving one here"... i was like "its okay. i can wait 5-10 minutes" he was like ... "ok..?.... -_^" with that exact face! lol. i was thinking *crap... hope he doesnt know!* then i parked in the Outback lot, i made sure i didnt see no body's car around. which i didnt! *whew* so as we walked in, i didnt see the table right-a-way... so i was thinkin *fcuk, how am i suppose to play this shit off riiight?....* i was just like "umm.... party FOR GOMEZ" to the Hostess. she smiles and was like "oh! yea right that way" and puts her right arm out aiming to her right. i look over and see them all! but thee manbaby didnt notice yet, he just thot i put down our name Gomez, he was bout to sit; until i grabbed his hand and pulled him over towards the surprise table. he was like hella clueless like "wth are u doing?!? dont be rude! we have to wait babe! what u doing?!?!!!" (as he resisted a bit from me pulling him) then i pulled him closer he started to notice and was like "wut the.....O_O!!!!" i was like "SURPRISE!!!!" as everyone else yells out "SURPRISE!!!" as well.. lol... that was THE MOMENT i was waiting for. his reaction was PRICELE$$.
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